Saturday 29 November 2003

London Sights (guide)

London is one of the biggest cities in Europe. It is old and modern at the same time and there are a lot of sights you can visit.

The Tower of London was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. Beefeaters guard the Tower and tell its history.

Buckingham Palace is where the Queen lives. The Changing of the Guards is the most attractive for visitors. The guards wear red coats, black trousers and boots, and tall black hats. They must stand still all the time.

The River Thames is a very beautiful river with a lot of bridges. The best known is Tower Bridge which can lift. 

In the centre of London there is Big Ben, the Clock Tower. The bell inside was named after Sir Benjamin Hall.

There are a lot of museums, theatres and squares in London. Trafalgar Square was named after the Battle of Trafalgar. In the centre of the square there is the statue of Lord Nelson, the English commander at the Battle of Trafalgar. Then, there is Piccadilly Circus, another square with the statue of Eros, the god of love, in the middle.

St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous sights in London. Sir Christopher Wren was its architect. The building is 110m high, with 627 steps going to the top. A lot of people visit the Whispering Gallery. When you whisper something on one side of the Gallery, somebody can hear it on another side.

There are three big parks in London. Hyde Park is famous for the Speaker's Corner, Regent's Park is the home of the zoo with 6,000 animals from all over the world, while at St James' Park you can feed the ducks, swans and geese.

One of the most famous shopping streets in London is Oxford Street.

The fastest way to travel around London is by the underground - the tube. But, if you want to go sightseeing, you should take doubledeckers.

When I grow up I would like  to see all the sights London has to offer.

Kristijan Savanović, VI5, November 2003

Saturday 15 November 2003


We started the lesson about London with a video. We wrote down some famous and interesting sights while watching.

Then, we did this quiz:
1 The capital of England is ...
A London     B Manchester     C Liverpool

2 What was named after Sir Benjamin Hall?
A Great Hall     B Hall Bridge     C Big Ben

3 In the centre of Trafalgar Square is a statue of ...
A a horse     B Lord Nelson     C an unknown person

4 Trafalgar Square was named after ...
A the battle of Trafalgar     B general Trafalgar     C a writer called Trafalgar

5 Changing of the Guard takes place in front of ...
A Buckingham Palace     B the British Museum     C the Houses of Parliament

6 One of the most famous shopping streets in London is ...
A Brook Street     B Oxford Street     C Lexington Street

7 Harrod's is a ...
A museum     B tower     C department store

8 The fastest way to travel in London is by ...
A the tube     B car     C bus

9 Beefeaters are ...
A people who like beef     B the members of a band called Beefeaters     C the guards of the Tower of London

10 London's famous zoo is in ...
A St James's Park     B Regent's Park     C Hyde Park

After the quiz, we imagined that we were in London and wanted to go to the Tower Bridge. We used the tube map to get around. We followed different lines and changed trains...

Saturday 19 April 2003

It's Me (article)

Describe yourself.

My name is Marko. I am from Kikinda, Yugoslavia. I live with my parents and a younger brother.

I was born on the 21st of October in 1991. I have brown eyes and brown hair. I am twelve years old. I go to Sveti Sava Primary School. I am in the fifth class. 

I like to listen to hip hop music and my favourite film is 8 Mile. My favourite drink is Coca-Cola and my favourite food is pizza.

I am a rather good pupil, but I am trying to be excellent. 

Marko Grbić, V4, 15 April 2003 

Sunday 13 April 2003

My house

Write a composition about your house. These questions may help you:
1 Do you live in a small or a big house?
2 Is your house near or a long way from your school?
3 Have you got a garden?
4 What colour is your house?
5 How many floors are there?
6 How many rooms are there? Which are they?
7 Have you got your own room or do you share it? Who with?
8 Is your room tidy?
9 How big is your room?
10 What colour are the walls and the carpet in your room?

Tuesday 8 April 2003

My birthday

Write a composition. These questions may help you:
1 When is your birthday?
2 Do you have a party for your birthday?
3 Who comes to your birthday party?
4 What do you get from your friends?
5 What do you usually eat / drink at the party?
6 What do you usually do at the party?
7 Do you have a big birthday cake? Who makes it?

Friday 4 April 2003

Sunday 30 March 2003

My school

Describe your school. These questions may help you:
1 What's the name of your school?
2 Where is it? Is it near or far from your house?
3 Is it big or small? How many floors / classrooms are there?
4 Is there a park / playground in your school?
5 What class are you in?
6 Who do you sit with?
7 What subjects do you have?
8 What's your favourite subject? Why?
9 What subjects don't you like? Why?
10 When do you go to school? Do you change shifts?
11 What's your favourite day of the week? Why?

Wednesday 12 March 2003

My street

Write a composition about your street. These questions may help you:
1 Where do you live?
2 Do you live in a big street?
3 Is the traffic in your street heavy?
4 Are there any traffic lights in your street?
5 Are there many shops in your street?
6 Are there many trees?

Monday 20 January 2003

My day

Write about your day:
When I go to school in the morning, I get up at _____. I have breakfast at _____. I usually have _____ for breakfast. I leave home at _____. The first lesson starts at _____. I often have _____ lessons a day. I get home at _____. I have lunch at _____. I sometimes have _____ for lunch. In the afternoon I _____. After dinner I _____. I go to bed at _____.