Friday 28 May 2010

Monday 10 May 2010

Sports and activities (essays)

My favourite sport is volleyball. I love it because it is a very exciting and interesting sport. I’ve played it for a year and a couple of months and I play it every day in elementary school ‘Jovan Popović.’
Volleyball has lots of advantages. To start with, it is very good for your health. Another good side is that you can meet a lot of new friends, just like me. I met my best friend on my first volleyball practice. Volleyball is also a very challenging and competitive sport. In addition, you can see a lot of new, interesting places and you can travel a lot.
However, volleyball has a few flaws. One of them is that you can easily get hurt. But if you hurt your leg or your arm, you can’t play.
It isn’t a very expensive sport. You only have to have good and comfortable trainers.
When I play volleyball I’m very happy and fulfilled. My dream is to be a successful volleyball player, become a volleyball coach or anything to deal with volleyball.

Doroteja Živković, VIII1, 5 May 2010

I want to describe my favourite sport, bowling.
Bowling is widely-spread in most countries, especially in the USA. It is a very interesting but strange sport for the people in our country. I’ve gone bowling for about two years. I bowl at my bowling club three times a week.
Bowling has a lot of good sides. To start with, it is good for your health. It is very competitive, exciting and safe for me.I like it because I enjoy spending my time bowling and I haven’t made a mistake with taking this sport. My body grows in the right direction thanks to this sport. It keeps me fit, too. You can also meet a lot of friends and travel to different places.
However, there are a few bad sides. It can be dangerous because you can get hurt. For example, you can pull a muscle, or sprain your wrist.
I love bowling because it is great fun. It is also a very competitive and interesting sport. It makes me feel excited, healthier and fitter.

Jelena Sivčev, VIII1, 5 May 2010

My favourite sport is basketball. I love that sport because it is the most interesting for me. I played basketball three years at the Technical School, but on holiday I played it at my elementary school. I had trainings three times a week. Every other week we had a match.
Basketball is good for your health and growth and progress of your body. You can also make some new friends.
On the other hand, many sports are expensive, just like basketball. I stopped playing that sport because it is very expensive. The first time a membership was four hundred dinars, but later it was eight hundred dinars. From that time I haven’t played basketball at all. But five weeks ago I played basketball for my elementary school and we were the third on the tournament.
For equipment you must wear a T-shirt, shorts and trainers, and you need a basketball.
Basketball is my favourite sport because it is very interesting and competitive.

Robert Karačonji, VIII1, 5 May 2010

My favourite sport is tennis. I have practised it regularly for two and a half years. I have trainings three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
My coach’s name is Jole. He is very amusing and we have a lot of fun.
We are also very active. The boys and girls practise together. I love practising because it is fun, we are active and we usually never fight. But, sometimes we have a quarrel or two about the points and where the ball dropped. Another reason why I love training is because we always hang out together and we kid with each other.
I love tennis and I am going to continue training, firstly, because of my friends, and secondly, because I want to be better and improve myself in the future.

Nataša Aranbašić, VIII1, 5 May 2010

My favourite activity is folk dance. It’s very exciting and I danced for five years. Then I stopped for a few weeks but came back for one month. My practices were on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the ’Gusle’ Club. I stopped training because I didn’t have much free time, and I didn’t like my coach.
It isn’t a very expensive activity. You get all the equipment when you start to dance.
On trainings I made a lot of new friends, and on the competitions I met a lot of new people.
Folk dance is good for my health and recreation. It isn’t as competitive as football or basketball, but it is more interesting.
On the competitions you have to wear traditional costumes. Every coach has to create a choreography which you have to learn on practices. It’s good to learn the basics of folk dance, because you can perform it on the weddings or any other celebrations like that.
I love this activity because I like dancing and this is Serbian traditional dance. Even if I don’t practise it any more, I will always love to do the folk dance.

Marija Kozomara, VIII1, 5 May 2010