Sunday 30 October 2011

Cake Day 2011

Here are a few recipes:

You need:
0.12l of water,
0.2kg of sugar,
half of the butter,
50g of chocolate,
300g of ground biscuits,
3 chocolate bananas.
Boil the water, sugar, butter and chocolate. Add the ground biscuits and stir. Then, divide into two parts. Roll each piece. Cut three chocolate bananas and wrap them in rolls.

You need:
300g biscuits,
50g cocoa,
150g sugar,
half the butter,
a bit of rum,
coconut powder.
Whisk everything, make balls and roll them in coconut powder.

Tanja Lugonja, VIII3, October 2011

You need:
200g ground walnuts,
200g powdered sugar,
200g grated chocolate,
2 tablespoons cocoa powder,
2 tablespoons rum,
1 egg,
coconut powder for decoration.
Stir the walnuts, rum, egg whites, grated chocolate and cocoa powder. Form a ball. Roll the ball in coconut powder.

Mirjana Ivanković, VIII3


120g of flour,
100g of broken chocolate,
2 tablespoons of cocoa,
1 baking powder,
a teaspoon of baking soda,
1 egg,
100g of sugar,
125g of margarine for cooking,
300ml of yoghurt.
1. Mix flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder and soda.
2. Add broken chocolate, egg, margarine and yoghurt and then whisk with mixer.
3. Pour the mixture carefully into muffin moulds.
4. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes on 180 degrees.

Aleksa Konstantinov, VIII2  

Saturday 15 October 2011


Dear Mum and Dad,
It's cold and windy here in Russia, but I'm wearing my green jacket, white boots, blue jeans and purple hat. I'm skiing with my friends.

Elena Brkanlić, IV2, October 2011  

Dear mum and dad,
It's hot and sunny here in Šušanj. I'm swimming in the sea and I'm drinking lemonade. I'm playing with my friends, too. We're looking for shells on the beach. It's so nice here.
Love and kisses,

Anja Vučić, IV2, October 2011

Dear Tamara,
It's sunny today here in Soko Banja. I'm wearing my white T-shirt, pink skirt and shoes. I'm having fun with mum and dad.
Lots of love,
your sister Tijana

Tijana Varađanin, IV2, October 2011

Dear Grandpa and Grandma,
We're having fun here in Herceg Novi. It's hot and sunny today. I'm wearing my hat and my sunglasses. My Mum and Dad are sitting on the beach and drinking cold Coca-Cola. I'm eating ice cream. We like it here!

Anđela Tomić, IV5, October 2011

Dear Mum and Dad,

It's windy in Belgrade. I'm wearing my pink shirt and blue jeans. I'm drawing.



Daniela Marton, IV6, October 2011

Dear Mum and Dad,

It's sunny and windy here in Subotica. I'm wearing my blue T-shirt and gray shorts. I'm sailing on Palić lake and watching Daniel. He's sitting on the beach and eating ice cream. Everyone's having fun here!

Love and kisses,


Jožef Horvat, IV6, October 2011

Dear Mum and Dad,

It's snowing here in Zlatibor. I'm wearing my jacket because it's cold. We're going shopping for our parents. Andrea and I are having fun.

Love and kisses,

Natalia Sakal, IV6, October 2011

Dear Mum and Dad,

We are having fun here in Igalo. It's hot and sunny today. I'm wearing my T-shirt and my blue hat. Joži is making lemonade! Edvin is drinking orange juice. We like it here.



Daniel Silađi, IV6, October 2011

Wednesday 5 October 2011

It happened to me (stories)

Think of something unusual that has happened to you. Write a story. You might follow this model:
P1: set the scene: Who was/were the main character(s)? When/Where did the story take place? What was the weather like?
P2: describe the events in the order they happened, leading to the climax event: What was the event before the climax event? What was the climax (main) event?
P3: What happened in the end? 
P4: How did the character(s) feel?
Don't forget to use time connectors to show the sequence of events: as, when, after, later, while, suddenly, immediately!

This summer my sister and I finally convinced our parents to let us go to the mountains, to our aunt’s, on our own.
We had a complete freedom to do whatever we wanted. Every morning we would walk, go downtown, and we even climbed the top of the mountain for 3 times.
One day, we decided to explore the woods, which was behind our aunt’s house. We prepared everything for that: small axes for bushes, then food, torches and so on.
We were breaking through the bushes, making a free way, when it started getting dark. We turned on our torches and continued walking. Suddenly, my sister fell over the rock and dropped her torch. It started rolling down the hill. We started chasing the torch. It led us to some old lake. My sister and I hid behind a tree and watched some unknown people with some strange masks on their faces. They were dancing around the fire, while the drums were getting louder and louder. The atmosphere was very weird and we got scared. We decided to go back. But, when we turned around I accidentally stepped over some branch and fell. Someone from the masked group heard us and started chasing us. We were running as fast as we could. The man lost us of his sight and we finally got out from the woods. When we got back home, we told our aunt what had happened. She told us that the masked group was a sort of a secret union.
That experience we will never forget.

Nevena Grubišić, VIII1

One sunny day I was walking through the woods and I was just enjoying the nature. Then I saw a beautiful bird. I followed it through the forest for a long, long time. All of a sudden, I found myself in a totally different part of the woods. At first, I was confused but eventually I found my way back home. The next morning I decided to go into the woods again and see the same bird. I was walking shortly and then I saw it again. I came to the conclusion that I had never seen this kind of bird in my life so I decided to call an expert, someone who knows the nature and birds better than me. When my friend Garry came and saw the beautiful, coloured bird, he said that the scientists thought that this species was dead. And that day I became an explorer who discovered that special species. My family was proud of me, even though I think I’ve done what every curious human would do.

Dobrila Bokan, VIII1

My cat likes to dig holes. One day I fell into one of these holes.
When I fell, I saw a lot of monster cats. They were so scary and they had swords. When they saw me, they started after me. They wanted to expel me from their holes because they wanted nobody to know that they existed. I was frightened and I ran as fast as I could, away from them. Finally, I found a huge room where I hid. The cats have long been searching for me, and soon one of them found me. When they caught me, they asked me why I had run away. Fortunately, their leader said he had examined me and let me go immediately, provided that I would never speak about their hiding place.
I’m very happy about this adventure, which was very tense and I hope that my cat will no longer dig holes.

Dejan Škorić, VIII1

Not a true story!
Aaah. Travelling. So not my thing! Especially by plane...
I was about to travel to Germany... I felt so weird while going through that airport. Scary did I feel. All those checks and all... But, to cut the story short, I sat next to the window, and as soon as we took off, something went wrong. Like, only after a 10-minute ride, the aeroplane started having ups and downs and there was panicking and some signals, and some masks got out. I put one on and the rest... I don’t remember. All black.
A few seconds later... I woke up and I was on the plane, alive. Everything was normal, but the following 2 hours on the plane were the scariest ones in my life.

Anđela Kovljenić, VIII1

It all happened one summer day when I was at my grandma and grandpa’s in Mokrin. My old routine was to take my dog Mrvica for a walk every evening. However, one evening everything changed, While I was walking Mrvica, a group of children waved at me and I waved back to them. The next second I looked at Mrvica, but she wasn’t there. Her collar fell off and she got away. I started looking for her, calling her... but she didn’t show up. After an hour I returned home. At the gate someone was sitting and waiting for me to come back. It was Mrvica. I was relieved. I thought I’d never see my lil’ doggie again.

Milica Marić, VIII2

A few years ago I had an experience that I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

I went for a walk with my friends and we came up with an idea to visit one house that’s called by the people of our town ’the haunted house’.

As we went closer to the house, it became colder and colder. We stopped in front of the house and the front door opened itself. We were all frightened, but we still had the courage to take the first step through the door.

It was dark and very cold indoors. The house had two storeys. We went to the second floor and there, in the corner of the dark room, there was a man with long gray hair. He was intimidating at the first look. Suddenly we heard a noise that was coming from downstairs. I felt like the whole house was hit by a tornado. A moment later we heard an awful scream. I think that it was a woman’s voice, a scared woman. We were just standing there, looking at each other. We couldn’t move. We felt some presence near by. We ran downstairs and there we saw a painting on the floor. We ran outside.

We figured that in that house something unexplainable exists and we knew that we’ll never come back to that horrible house again.

Denis Nastovski, VIII2

One day, when I was in the first grade, something strange happened after school. I was on my way home when I saw an unusual animal. It was like a dog, but got the head of a dinosaur. He roared at me and suddenly attacked me. I tried to run but he caught me and bit me. I was in hospital for 3 months with the infection from his bite. I was relieved I survived it.

After two years I saw that creature again, but I avoided it in the street. One rainy day, I was going to my tennis lesson and around the corner I saw that monster eating something. I thought it was a human, but it appeared that it was a dummy from a boutique.

I shared this story with my friends but they didn’t believe me. I tried to find the monster again and take a picture of him so I can prove my amazing experience. Unfortunately, I had no luck.

Filip Smiljanić, VIII2

I still remember the story about the present for my mother on her birthday. I was a little girl and my favourite play was to sneak into my mother’s room, find something of hers, like her make up and go to a secret place. I often opened up the closet and enjoyed the beautiful colours and wonderful scents.

That day, my father came home with a nice bunch of flowers and a little shine glass bottle of perfume. I wondered what the fragrance of the perfume was. My curiosity was so strong that I went to my secret place to try it out. But, when I tried to get hold of the bottle on the top shelf of the closet, I knocked it down and smashed the bottle. Suddenly, the room was filled with wonderful fragrance. The more the room was filled with scents, the more I cried. My tears were falling on the floor like rivers. Finally, the door opened and two heads peeped to see what had happened. Mum quickly came up to me and hugged me, and my dad tried to calm my deep sighs. In the end, dad took us both to the store, where he bought two new bottles of perfume, one for mum and one for me.

It all ended well. I got my first perfume and the room had a nice fragrance for a long, long time.

Anastazija Petkov, VIII2

Two years ago my friends and I went on a school trip to Fruška Gora. It was a beautiful day in May.

Four of my friends and I were taking a walk through the woods. The grass looked very nice that day. However, the path was not straight and there were some dangerous holes on the way. While we were crossing one of the big holes, I suddenly heard a scream behind. Immediately, the four of us turned around and were shocked to see our friend Jelena with her both legs in the large hole. All my friends and I ran to her and pulled her out of the hole. She was a little afraid that her leg was broken. We helped her to walk on one leg until we got to our Biology teacher. She looked at Jelena’s leg and examined it. She decided that the leg wasn’t broken, but the ankle was twisted and Jelena felt a little pain. The teacher told her not to move any more that day and that everything would be fine when we got home.

In the end we all felt really proud, because we helped our friend that day.

Dimitrije Bačkuljin, VIII2