Thursday 29 February 2024

World Languages Challenge

This February, my pupils and I joined more than 170 classrooms from nearly 50 countries all over the world in exciting Empatico's World Languages Challenge that celebrated the diversity of languages.

It was a great opportunity for everyone to meet new friends and learn to greet each other in different languages.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Fish Everywhere

This catchy song's excellent for practising reading, revising colours and prepositions of place, and introducing was/were to young pupils:

There was a blue fish in the pool,
Mum was scared, but I was cool.
There were green fish in my bed,
There was one on my mum's head.

Fish, fish, everywhere,
On the sofa, on the chair.
Quick, quick, Sue and Frank,
Get the fish back in the tank!

There was a pink fish on the mat,
It was really big and fat.
There were red fish on the floor,
Five or six, or maybe more.

Fish, fish, everywhere,...

performed by Class IV2

Saturday 10 February 2024

Collaborative Dictionary

Trying out a new app is always a lot of fun for my pupils, especially those younger ones. This time, Class 4 pupils experimented with Voice Thread, and added a few words related to museums as part of our Inspiring Museums eTwinning project:
Anđela: archaeology = arheologija / археологија;
Teja: history = istorija / историја;
Jovana: libraries = biblioteke / библиотеке:
Nađa: mummy = mumija / мумија;
Nina: sword = mač / мач;
Marija: art galleries = umetničke galerije / уметничке галерије;
Vukašin: painting = slika / слика;
Nina: attractions = atrakcije / атракције

Friday 9 February 2024

Favourite Animals

What animals do you like? What do they look like? Is your favourite animal big or small? What colour is it? Where does it live? What does it eat? What can it do? What are some fun facts that you would like to share with us?

Wednesday 7 February 2024

SID 2024

This year's Safer Internet Day has been an excellent opportunity for my pupils to remind themselves of some of the most important rules to stay safe in the online world.

My older pupils have designed their class posters with top 5 Internet safety tips:

We've also joined in some interesting activities with our eTwinning friends:

Tuesday 6 February 2024

European Dinner Table

Together with their friends from 6 different European countries, Class 6 pupils have set a virtual dinner table.

They have first discussed Serbian national dishes and then agreed on which ones to include in the online joint presentation. They have also left a few comments on the Forum, and filled out the collaborative table with typical food eaten in the countries all project partners come from.

Monday 5 February 2024

Municipal Foreign Languages Competition 2024

 Municipal Foreign Languages Competition took place on Sunday, 4 February 2024. Three of my oldest pupils took part, but, according to the new scoring system, two qualified for the next round. Vanja won the second place with 38 points and Ognjen won the third place with 36 points. Unfortunately, this year, 33 points were not enough for Nikola to join them.


Compared to the tests from previous years, this one was easier, with different types of questions:
- read the text and circle the correct answer (= comprehension questions);
- for each question (= short messages), circle the correct answer;
- for each question (= notice boards), choose the correct answer;
- read the text and circle the correct word for each space;
- complete the paragraph with the given words;
- complete the letter with one word in each gap.

Friday 2 February 2024

What a mess!

This is one of the latest chants my Class 3 pupils have learned. It's great for revising clothes, toys and prepositions of place, but also 'encouraging' somebody to tidy up their room.

What a mess!
What a mess!
What a mess!
Please, tidy up your room.

There's a schoolbag on the floor,
The jeans are on the armchair.
The T-shirt's on the lamp,
There's a plane under the bed.

There's a pencil on the mat,
There's a ball on the table.
There's a book on the wardrobe,
And a sock on the clock.

Your cap's on the mirror,
Your train's on the sofa.
And, where's the other sock?
On the chair, over there!

What a mess!...