My 5 English language students in Class 5, Kosana Jakonić V4, Petar Tesla V3, Kristian Balaž V2, Julijan Cimerman V4 and Marko Radanović V3, took part in the 1st Foreign languages competition in Regional centre for professional development on 27 February 2013. Their knowledge was tested in a slightly different way and everyone did well.
Kosana and Petar were awarded with diplomas and readers for the 1st and 2nd places while the others received the thank-you notes for attendance.
Kosana |
Petar |
After the official part of the competition, the children socialised in playing the game of associations and karaoke. They also tasted some homemade chocolate muffins.
The competition was organised by foreign language teachers from Kikinda and surrounding villages. A hundred students aged 11 - 13 and 18 teachers took part.