Green Kids is an eTwinning project which gathered the children from England, France, Greece, Spain and Turkey around the same goals:
- to learn about the natural environment,
- to create awareness about environmental issues,
- to investigate possible solutions to "save the World",
- to start initiatives to help "saving the World",
- to develop creative writing and storytelling.
- to create awareness about environmental issues,
- to investigate possible solutions to "save the World",
- to start initiatives to help "saving the World",
- to develop creative writing and storytelling.
In one of the lessons, my Class 3 students and I first talked about our endangered animals, including our local birds, and the ways we can help them. Then, I asked them to make groups according to the animal they want to 'write' about. They decided on the parts of their stories, illustrated them and later told them. Two stories (Green Kid and Asio Otus, and Green Kid and Otis Tarda) are now in the joint storybook on StoryJumper.