Friday, 30 September 2022

Walking around Europe

Since this activity was greatly enjoyed by my Class 2 pupils last year, I've decided to try it with my 8-year-olds this year as well.

First, each pupil chose a sticker with Talk to me message in a different language. 

Then, they used a key to find which language it is and copy the name into their notebooks. 

Their next task was to find the country where that language is spoken on one map and colour the country on another map. 

Finally, they looked for, found and drew the country's flag.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

A day in the life

 As a way of practising writing everyday activities and telling the time, I've asked my Class 3 pupils to describe a day in the life of one of their parents, in 6 comic frames:

Dunja Bucalo

Wednesday, 28 September 2022


In their chosen groups, my Class 7 pupils have recently revised, prepared and shared presentations of different tenses:

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Languages Celebration 2022

On Monday, 26 September, during the 4th lesson, we organised a special event for the representatives of each class, divided into 6 teams of 4 generations and named after different colours, with Look who's singing! and General Knowledge quizzes. 

 Two girls read poems in Hungarian and Chinese, and three groups of Class 5 and Class 6 pupils sang a well-known nursery rhyme in French, English and German.

Our languages celebration is in the Council of Europe Event Calendar again, and voting for the most innovative event of the year is open until 20 October.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II

Janja Kovačević, VII1
One era's just ended. After 70 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September. Her son, Charles, became the new king, King Charles III.