Tuesday 29 September 2020

My Pet

Have you got a pet? What is it? What's its name? How old is he/she?
What does he/she look like?
What can he/she do? What does he/she like?

I have got a pet. It is a dog. His name is Don. He is seven years old. He is big and black. He can jump, play with a ball and sit. He likes food and children.

Teodora Čudan, V1

I have got a pet. It is a dog. Her name is Luna. She is one year old. She is small and brown. She can run really fast. She likes going out with me for a walk.

Nikola Andrić, V1

I had two cats, but someone stole them. They were my best friends. They were both called Lucky. One of them had blue eyes. They were six and seven months old when they were stolen. They loved when I cuddled them.

Luka Stajić, V1

I've got a pet. It's a dog. His name is Meda (Bear). I'm not sure about his age. He is yellow and white. He can sit and gives his paw. He doesn't eat when I tell him. I can dance with him (he is really smart). He loves to eat and play with a ball.

Marko Vidović, V2

I have a pet, a cat. His name is Sivko and he is 3 and a half years old. He is gray and has green eyes. He likes to eat and sleep, and sometimes I play with him. He loves to cuddle.

Ana Vojvodić, V2

I've got a pet. It's a dog. My dog's name is Donna. She is eight years old. My dog is yellow. She likes playing with a ball. She is happy when she sees me. She likes when we pet her.

Nikola Borić, V2

I have two cats. Their names are Minja and Bodo. Minja is two years old. Bodo is only eight weeks old.
Minja is grey. His eyes are yellow. He likes it when I pet him. He also likes to sleep.
Bodo is grey-brown. His eyes are green and yellow. He loves to run and jump. His favourite toy is a small, white ball. He gets really tired after playing, so he sleeps on the grass. When he wakes up he starts to run again.

Jovana Karić, V2

I have got a pet. It's a parrot. Her name is Mica. She is four years old. She has got yellow feathers and a long tail. Sometimes she is dangerous. If you put your finger near her, she starts hissing. I wish to have a dog and I hope to get one.

Lara Avramov, V2

My pet is a goldfish. His name is Goldy. He's 1 year old. He's small. Of course he is gold. Goldy is smart. He likes to eat and swim. Sometimes I put a mirror next to Goldy's bowl. He looks at the mirror for hours. Goldy thinks that it is his brother.

Ognjen Orašanin, V2

I have a pet that I love a lot. It's a dog named Buddy. Buddy is three years old. He is a black puli and very shaggy. He is so shaggy that his eyes are invisible. He knows how to guard the house, he knows he can't go up to the terrace and he can't wear slippers in the yard. He likes to cuddle and play with children and the ball.

Dušan Grbić, V2

I have one dog and one cat.
My dog's name is Chubby (Bucko). Chubby likes when I pay attention to him and give him treats. He has brown eyes. He knows how to sit and stay.
My cat's name is Cicmac. His eyes are green. He loves to play with his toys and with me.

Luka Đuran, V2

I have got a pet dog. Her name is Dolly and she is young. She is one year old. She is black and yellow. She has a very cute muzzle. She loves food so much. She is a little dumb, but she knows very well that we love her. 🤗

Milana Rajkov, V2

I have got a pet. My pet is а dog. Her name is Betty. Betty is four years old. Betty is a tall white dog. A little chubby but very cute. She lies down most days, but loves playing. Most of all, she likes eating and cuddling.  

Sara Lejić, V2

I have a pet cat. His name is Morris. He is two years old. He is black, white and brown. Morris loves to sleep. He loves when we cuddle him.

Petar Savić, V2

My pet is a dog. Her name is Molly. Molly has got black hair and brown eyes. Her tail is long. She has got a small head and a big body. She likes to eat and to play with me. Her favourite toy is a teddy. I love her.

Teodora Nikolin, V2

I have got a pet dog. Her name is Ribica (Fishie). She is six years old. She has got short fur and she is black and orange. My pet has got a long body with short legs and a long tail. She is friendly and playful. Every day I feed my dog and we play together. My sister and I run with our pet and have a great time. Ribica can run fast and jump. She can smell and she is a good hunter. She is very smart. My pet dog makes me happy. She loves me and I love her.

Miladin Božin, V3

I have a pet. It is a cat. His name is Snowflake. He is very fluffy and is white like snow.
He is 3 years old. He likes playing and when we pet him.

Vanja Konstantinović, V3

I've got a lovely rabbit. His name is Munja (Lightning). He's eight months old. He's got long ears and he is black. He has a  soft muzzle. He loves to eat carrots. He likes to play with me. He's so sweet and clever. I love him so much.

Mila Kubet, V3

My pet is a dog. His name is Marley. He is one year old. My dog is big and his colour is white. My dog can jump, sit down and bring the ball. He likes to sleep, eat and play with me. I love my dog.

Sara Banjac, V3

Monday 28 September 2020

European Day of Languages 2020

This year's EDL is a bit different since we must keep distance. However, my younger students and I managed to record video messages for our eTwinning friends.

And my Class 5 students joined the survey on their favourite English words.

The activity is part of this year's Council of Europe Event Calendar.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Teddy Bear Day

 To mark Teddy Bear Day, I've asked my Class 5 pupils to find an old photo or take a new one with their teddy, and share it with their friends on Edmodo.

Teddy Bear Day by Teacher Dragana

Wednesday 2 September 2020

NQL 2020

Our National eTwinning Support Service awarded 303 projects with Quality Label at the end of August / the beginning of September. Nine projects I started and collaborated on with my students are among them:

- English is a Piece of Cake: The project is dynamic, well-designed and managed, the activities follow each other in a logical sequence. The project is well integrated into the curriculum. The activities enable both the acquisition and development of students' skills in several areas.

Inside Out: Project activities include active participation of children, using a large number of ICT tools. As a product of cooperation, a common product was created, and the activities were integrated into the curriculum.

- Follow the Little Prince: It is commendable that the teacher took part in a project of this scope and enriched the experiences of her students.

- World Book Day 2020 - 3rd Edition: The teacher carried out certain project activities with the students, encouraged them to use ICT tools and to improve communication in English.

- Eager Beavers: The project is creative and age-appropriate and deviates from established pedagogical approaches. Students used the acquired knowledge from several subjects in the implementation of project activities and were actively involved in the project. 

- Water: a priceless gift!: The strengths of the project and the teacher's contribution are the use of ICT, student involvement and diversity of content.

- Easter class challenge: The project is age-appropriate, i.e. students in the lower grades of primary school. The good thing is that students are given a new way of learning content.

- Alphabet of the living world: Throughout this project pupils have expressed themselves on the subject of the living world, developing creative, artistic and literary skills.

- Language Mission: Possible!: The good side is the planning and communication between teachers, as well as the dissemination, which was done in great detail and through various channels.