Sunday 31 October 2021

Hallowe'en 2021

The last few days of October were a lot of fun for my pupils. We talked about children's favourite festival and sang different versions of the Knock, Knock, Trick-or-Treat song.

I asked my Class 1 pupils to imagine they're celebrating this holiday as well, so they created some interesting Hallowe'en costumes. 

Sara M, I2
Đorđe C, I2

Željka B, I3

Milijana T, I3

Class 2 pupils drew a mind map and revised Hallowe'en vocabulary. They also had fun with their cut-outs.

In their small groups, Class 4 pupils wrote their first acrostic poems.

Haunted houses are scary!
A candy hunting is fun!
Lollipops and sweets are everywhere!
Licking lollipops and eating sweets!
Owls look at you!
Witches fly across the sky, just like little stars!
Evil things are missing!
Everyone is happy!
Nobody is bored!

Ivana's team, IV1

Their older friends, my Class 6 pupils, told their spooky stories and enjoyed the escape game I created. 

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Code Week 2021

 During the last weeks of October my Class 2 and Class 4 pupils took part in the EU Code Week activities. 

In teams, younger pupils created the flags of different European countries using pixel art. The other teams and their eTwinning friends tried to guess the countries and find them on the map.

In groups, Class 4 pupils explored the binary code alphabet chart, and then used it to find the code for each of the letters in the name of a famous person, such as a writer, a scientist or an inventor. They shared their codes with the other teams and other eTwinventors who tried to crack the code and find the names of famous people.

Monday 18 October 2021

Healthy Habits

 Vegetarian Day, Mental Health Day, Handwashing Day, Food Day, Apple Day, etc. All of them are in October and aimed at increasing the awareness and understanding the importance of living a healthy life.

So, how do you take care of yourselves? Why is it important to wash our hands and eat healthy food? What are your top 3 healthy habits? 

I have 5 meals a day. I don't eat sweets, junk food and snacks. I have lots of sleep and exercise.
It's important to wash our hands not to get viruses. It's important to eat healthy food because our body needs vitamins, proteins and minerals to keep our body healthy and to grow and develop.
My top 3 healthy habits are:
1. Eat healthy food
2. Have enough sleep
3. Exercise every day

Lara Avramov, VI2

 It's important to wash our hands because of viruses and bacteria.
We should eat healthy food to get everything our body needs. These are the ways I take care of myself: eat healthy food and drink a lot of water, exercise, take care of my mental health. But, it's not healthy to sleep for too long, to go on a too strict diet or drink too much water, to exercise too much or do any of these healthy habits with no limits.
For me, these habits are the most important:
- take care of your mental health; it's as important as physical health
- get enough sleep; school or any other things shouldn't influence it
- go outdoors every day; don't always stay inside on your phone during your free time.

Jovana Karić, VI2

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Columbus Day

Every second Monday in October the Americans celebrate Columbus Day in memory of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus who landed in the Americas in 1492.

Since we're members of the Let's walk around the USA! eTwinning project, I've asked my older pupils to watch a video about Columbus and compare what they already know to what they've seen and heard in the video.

Friday 8 October 2021

Cartoon Characters

  • Who's your favourite cartoon character? 
  • What's his/her name? 
  • Where's he/she from? 
  • What does he/she look like? 
  • What's he/she like? 
  • What can he/she do? 
  • What does he/she like?

My favorite cartoon character is Sponge Bob.
He lives at the bottom of the sea. In fact, he is a yellow sponge with big blue eyes and two large teeth. He has brown trousers, a red tie and big black shoes.
Sponge Bob is very interesting, funny, and always happy. He can do what he wants, because his body is a sponge. He likes telling jokes and eating ice cream with Patrick :) 

Petra Milica Fazekaš, IV1

My favourite cartoon character is Elsa.
Elsa is tall and slim. She has got long blond hair and big blue eyes. Elsa has got a blue dress.
She is funny and smart. Elsa is not very friendly. She likes animals.

Marija Nađ, IV1

Tuesday 5 October 2021

World Animal Day

On World Animal Day, I wanted to hear my Class 6 pupils' opinion about keeping wild animals in zoos:

I think that we shouldn't keep wild animals in zoos. They should live in their natural environment. We should imagine how we, humans, would feel if we lived our whole lives inside of a little cage, watching animals laughing at us outside the cage and doing nothing about us being trapped, not helping us.
When I was little, I loved going to the zoo because all animals seemed happy and only one or two looked sad. Now, I know why I thought that. Some of them were born in the zoo and they don't have any idea how much they would prefer their natural environment than the zoo, only if they knew what it's like. The ones which are sad probably know how better they could feel right now if they weren't in a zoo.

Jovana Karić, VI2

I think that animals shouldn't be in a zoo because they are trapped there. The ones which are born in the zoo are used to living in a cage, so they don't know how it feels to be free.
I don't like that zoos exchange animals for other animals or sell them. Every living being should be free, in their natural environment.

Lara Avramov, VI2

Monday 4 October 2021

All About...

 How many real friends have you got? What makes a good friend? Who is your best friend? Write about him/her in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is your friend's name? Has he/she got a nickname? How and when did you two meet?
Paragraph 2: What does your friend look like? How old is he/she? How tall is he/she? What can you say about his/her weight, hair, eyes?
Paragraph 3: What is your friend like? Don't just list the good and bad sides! Use the examples!
Paragraph 4: Why is your friend special to you? What do you enjoy doing together?

My best friend's name is Kalina. We met when we were three.
She is twelve. She is 147 cm tall and thin. She has got straight, dark brown hair and big brown eyes.
She is good, generous and always ready to help someone in trouble.
When we were nine, we went rollerskating together. I got my wheel stuck in a hole and I couldn't get it out, so she helped me.
She can also be stubborn sometimes, but I don't mind.
She is special to me because I can tell her my secrets and I know that she will keep them safe.
We love doing things together, but our favourite thing is building Legos.
Because of school we can't hang out as much as we used to, but we try spending our free time together.

Lara Avramov, VI2

Every person should have a best friend. We all sometimes need a hug, a talk to cheer up, help with something and a person that we can trust with our secrets and problems. My best friends are Bojana, Iva, Mia and Staša. I have known them since I was six, since the first day of school.
Mia and Staša have mid-length, brown hair, but Staša's hair is straight while Mia's is wavy . Staša has blue-greenish eyes and Mia has dark brown eyes. Bojana and Iva have long, straight hair but Bojana's is lighter than Iva's. Bojana has green eyes and Iva has brown eyes. They are of medium height. We are all eleven or twelve.
‌They are very polite, energetic and honest. Iva is the most honest. She always tells the truth. Bojana is the most creative, Mia is the most energetic and Staša is the most confident.
You probably think that the main reason why they're my best friends is that they're funny, but as much as it is true, there are many more reasons why I love them. I am the type of a person who always searches for the beautiful essence of simple things like a hug or a smile as a way of greeting or just sharing our school lunches.

Jovana Karić, VI2

My best friend's name is Aleksa. He is 11 years old.
He is tall and has got short straight black hair and brown eyes. He is chubby.
He has a lot of good sides and a few bad ones.
For example, he listens to me carefully when I have something to say. He is there when I need something or I need help. Sometimes he prevents me from getting into trouble. He is a little lazy but it doesn't bother me because it's his only flaw. I can remember when we met in the first grade and since then we've been best friends.

Vukašin Krasić, VI1

My best friend's name is Vukašin. He's also my oldest friend because I've known him all my life. His nickname is Vule. My father and his father are the best friends, so his father Jakša is my godfather.
He's slim and tall. He's got brown eyes and short straight brown hair. He's 12 years old.
Vukašin is funny. He tells funny things. He's also smart. He plays the guitar but he's often bossy because he wants everybody to play by his terms.
He is special to me because I've known him all my life and I hope that we will be best friends in the future.

Bogdan Đurović, VI1

My best friend's name is Tadija. He doesn't have a nickname. The two of us met on the first day of school. We've been friends ever since.
He is large, tall, has short black hair and brown eyes. He is 12 years old and plays basketball. He has two brothers.
Tadija is in a good mood and cheerful all the time, with a smile on his face - we always have something to talk about and we are never bored. I appreciate that he is always with me. When I'm sick he calls me to see how I'm doing and sends me homework. When my bike broke down after training, he walked home with me in the rain.
On weekends we hang out, play games, watch movies. We don't have time during the week because of learning and basketball training.

Ognjen Orašanin, VI2

My best friend's name is Iva. Her nickname is Ivka. I call her like that. We met in the first grade. We started hanging out and being best friends then.
Iva has straight dark brown hair. Her eyes are green. She is of medium height, and she is 149 cm tall. She is slim, and she is twelve years old.
Ivka's favourite colours are green, purple and blue. She has a dog. His name is Gary. We love going rollerskating together. We go to school together, we walk with Gary and do so many more things.
She is my best friend because she is always there to help me. We all have some best friends, like me.

Ana Vojvodić, VI2

My best friend is Bogdan. I like call him Bogie. We met on the first day of school.
He has short brown hair, blue eyes, glasses. He is thin. Bogdan is 12 years old.
He likes playing table tennis and he is good, smart and  funny. Bogie helps me in class  when something is not clear to me, and he always makes me laugh with his jokes. Sometimes he can be bossy. When I use his pencil sharpener, he always orders me to empty it.
Bogdan is a special person because he is always there to help me.

Mihajlo Jovanović, VI1

My best friend is Danilo. He is 11 years old.
Danilo is of medium height and chubby. He's got short fair hair and blue eyes.
Dacha is cheerful. He smiles a lot. He does a lot of things. Dacha can be bossy at times. He likes telling people what to do.
Dacha is my best freand and we have lots of fun together.

Nebojša Stanaćev, VI3

We all have a best friend or someone close. My best friend is Jovana.
Jovana is 11 years old. She has long straight hair. Her eyes are dark brown. Jovana is of medium weight and height.
Jovana is cheerful. She is a true friend because she is always there for me when I need help She is popular because she is smart and one of the best students in the class. She panics a lot after the test, because sometimes she's not sure of herself.
I hang out with her because we have similar habits and we love similar things.

Iva Todorić, VI2

Friday 1 October 2021

The Queen Bee

My Class 1 pupils like listening to stories, talking about them, thinking about their values, and drawing their favourite parts, of course.

When we read the story from Germany, most of them liked the part when the animals helped the boy as a way of thanking him for his kindness and help.

Milijana S, I3
Matej V, I3
Kalina S, I3
Helena M, I2

Nevena M, I3
Marko G, I3

Manja B, I2
Milijana T, I3