Monday 18 October 2021

Healthy Habits

 Vegetarian Day, Mental Health Day, Handwashing Day, Food Day, Apple Day, etc. All of them are in October and aimed at increasing the awareness and understanding the importance of living a healthy life.

So, how do you take care of yourselves? Why is it important to wash our hands and eat healthy food? What are your top 3 healthy habits? 

I have 5 meals a day. I don't eat sweets, junk food and snacks. I have lots of sleep and exercise.
It's important to wash our hands not to get viruses. It's important to eat healthy food because our body needs vitamins, proteins and minerals to keep our body healthy and to grow and develop.
My top 3 healthy habits are:
1. Eat healthy food
2. Have enough sleep
3. Exercise every day

Lara Avramov, VI2

 It's important to wash our hands because of viruses and bacteria.
We should eat healthy food to get everything our body needs. These are the ways I take care of myself: eat healthy food and drink a lot of water, exercise, take care of my mental health. But, it's not healthy to sleep for too long, to go on a too strict diet or drink too much water, to exercise too much or do any of these healthy habits with no limits.
For me, these habits are the most important:
- take care of your mental health; it's as important as physical health
- get enough sleep; school or any other things shouldn't influence it
- go outdoors every day; don't always stay inside on your phone during your free time.

Jovana Karić, VI2