Tuesday 30 April 2024


 On the day before spring holiday, my Class 8 pupils and I finally managed to organise our lesson in the computer room. The internet was working, and nearly everyone was willing to do some serious work, create their avatars and design their CVs in Canva, following a model. Fast finishers were of huge help I have to say.

Monday 29 April 2024

eTwinning Day 2024

We've joined the celebration of eTwinning Day with our project partners by collaborating in a video.

My Class 4 pupils have chosen a letter (I), shared what eTwinning means to them, then tried out the ChatterPix Kids app to record the sentence: Improving language skills.

Friday 26 April 2024

Earth Day 2024

 We've accepted this year's Empatico Community's challenge and organised various activities to raise awareness of environmental issues and the importance of taking care of our environment.

Class 3, Class 4 and Class 6 pupils have designed posters. Class 3 pupils have also created a 22-day Climate Action calendar. Class 8 pupils have discussed the seriousness of the global issues and ways of solving them.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Guardians of the Web

 The children involved in the Learn. Grow. Together. eTwinning project have spent several months working on their joint story about cyberbullying and staying safe online.

Class 6 pupils have read the 1st chapter and brainstormed ideas for the 2nd chapter. Then, they added their chapter, and finally designed the illustration to the chapter written by the Polish team.

Book titled 'GUARDIANS OF THE WEB'Read this book made on StoryJumper

Wednesday 24 April 2024


 The lesson about the life cycle of a butterfly, followed by matching, colouring and cut-outs activities, has proved to be a success with this year's Class 3 pupils as well.

This year, I've suggested my pupils to use chopsticks or drinking straws for their mobiles.

Monday 15 April 2024

Celebrating Easter

 This spring, I've challenged my Class 4 pupils to write a short chant about Easter and illustrate it. Then, I read the chants to their peers from other classes, without revealing the authors' names, and asked them to vote for the best ones in their opinion. I've sent the best 4 to the international contest organised by Marijampolė Petro Armina Progymnasium, Lithuania, and the authors (Hristina, Kalina, Sara and Teja) received their certificates.

Monday 8 April 2024

Republic Foreign Languages Competition 2024

 Nearly 1,500 Class 8 pupils from different regions of Serbia took part in the Republic English language competition on 7 April in Belgrade. 

Vanja tried his best to do reading (8/8) and listening (6/7) comprehension and grammar (19/30) tests, and qualify for the speaking test, but the grammar part was a bit challenging (missed 6 points), so he was not invited to the last round. 

Nevertheless, it was a fantastic opportunity for him to meet new friends and hang out with them, walk along the famous pedestrian streets and round Kalemegdan Park, and visit the Uroš Predić – the Noble Essence of Everyday Life exhibition at the SASA Gallery showcasing artwork from various collections.

Friday 5 April 2024

Collaborative Acrostic

My Class 3 pupils have tried out the Vocaroo online voice recorder to record a sentence beginning with an S (Stories from the past come alive), related to the Inspiring Museums project theme, as part of the collaborative acrostic.  

Thursday 4 April 2024

My Favourite Painting

Do you like going to art galleries or museums? Who is your favorite artist? What are your favorite paintings?

Write an article about your favourite painting for an international magazine.

Organise your work in three paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: What is your favourite painting? When did you first see it? Where? Who painted it? Which art movement does the artist belong to? (impressionism, surrealism, cubism, etc.) When was it created?
Paragraph 2: What type of painting is it? (portrait, self-portrait, landscape, cityscape, still life) What techniques are used? (oil on canvas, watercolour, ink,...) What does the painting show? Describe the atmosphere. What colours and shapes are there?
Paragraph 3: Why do you like the painting? How does it make you feel? 

My favourite painting is Migration of the Serbs. It was painted by Paja Jovanović, one of the greatest Serbian painters.
On the painting, you can see poor Serbs moving from the south of Serbia to Belgrade and Vojvodina. You can also see the leader with a broken arm, and Archbishop Arsenije III Čarnojević. The people in the painting are poor, travelling on horses or on foot. They bring with them food, clothing and some of their animals. The painting makes me feel sad for the people.
The strongest colour on the painting is orange, but there are other darker colours, too.
This is my favourite painting because it shows the history of my country and a lot of emotions. 

Mihajlo Jovanović, VIII1

Something that always reminds me of my childhood is one old painting at my grandma's house.
My special painting does not have a name and we do not know who painted it. It hangs high on a wall in the living room, so when I was little, I would always step up on a chair and stare at it.
On the painting, we can see a river, trees, nature and one yellow house in the middle of nowhere. Everything is a little blurry, so we cannot tell what is exactly on the painting, but I think I saw one dog near the house. The painting represents one windy autumn day. The main colors are yellow, red, orange, blue and green.
I do not know what is so special about that painting, but it left me a core memory. Even nowadays, whenever I visit my grandma, I always have to look at that magic painting. Even though I do not know the name of the painting or who painted it, it will always be my deer mystery. As long as I am here, I will never forget my special painting.

Mia Pavlov, VIII2

My favourite painting is Woman with a Hat. I saw it at an exhibition in an artist's house a few years ago.
It was painted by Henri Matisse in 1905. It is an oil on canvas painting. The painting shows Henri's wife Amelie Matisse. Various colors are mixed which makes the painting more impressive.
I like this painting because the artist painted, and thus showed everyone, the love of his life. When I see that painting, I feel very calm. Henri Matisse is one of my favourite artists because he shows other people how beautiful something is, with shades of delicate colors.

Dragana Francuski, VIII3

Wednesday 3 April 2024

HIPPO 2024 Preliminary

 Here are the results of the 12th International Hippo English Language Olympiad which took place on 16 March in Đura Jakšić Primary School:

Nina Stijelja, IV2 (Reading: 30/30, Use of English: 30/30 = 60/60 points), national finalist,
Vukašin Mrkelja, IV3 (Reading: 30, Use of English: 27 = 57/60 points),
Mila Petrović, IV1 (Reading: 29, Use of English: 27 = 56/60 points),
Anastasija Đomparin, IV3 (Reading: 30, Use of English: 25.5 = 55.5/60 points),
Nađa Mandić, IV1 (Reading: 30, Use of English: 24 = 54/60 points),
Teja Babić, IV3 (Reading: 29, Use of English: 21 = 50/60 points),
Nadežda Kosarenko, IV3 (Reading: 27, Use of English: 22.5 = 49.5/60 points),
Anđela Mijandžić, IV1 (Reading: 23, Use of English: 16.5 = 39.5/60 points),

Nikola Tomić, VI2 (Reading: 34/34, Use of English: 28.5/30 =  62.5/64 points), national finalist,
Luka Baba, VI2 (Reading: 34, Use of English: 27 = 61/64 points),
Ivana Popov, VI1 (Reading: 31, Use of English: 27 = 58/64 points),
Nataša Đurin, VI2 (Reading: 32, Use of English: 24 = 56/64 points), 

Stefan Vujin, VIII3 (Reading: 31/34, Use of English: 25.5/30 = 56.5/64 points),
Ana Popov, VIII1 (Reading: 29, Use of English: 24 = 53/64 points),
Anđela Badrljički, VIII3 (Reading: 29, Use of English: 16.5 = 45.5/64 points).

Although only two of my pupils qualified for the national finals, the total points of most who participated last year have improved and that is great.