Friday 25 February 2022

Working on problems

My Class 4 students joined or started discussion with other eTwinventors on today's problems, such as e-safety, internet addiction, air pollution, water shortage, car accidents, recycling or health, and suggested their solutions.

Two groups of students designed a poster offering tips for saving water and another one solving e-safety problems. Veronika from Croatia suggested planting more trees and flowers which absorb carbon dioxide and also release oxygen into the atmosphere, as a solution to the air pollution problem started by Nikola. Nataša shared her solution to the problem with forest fires started by Zeynep from Turkey - Don't start the fire near the forest! Always put out the fire when you're done with it!

Thursday 24 February 2022

Be a buddy, not a bully!

Those who know me can say that I'm against bullying, in any form. I try to teach my pupils, even the youngest ones, that it's not cool to be cruel and that they should be buddies, not bullies, not only on the last Wednesday in February, but always. 
In our lesson, I talked with my Class 2 pupils about what a good friend is like and asked them to draw different situations showing values. 
My Class 6 pupils shared their powerful messages. They wrote some on paper pink T-shirts and stuck them on the windows.
I also invited our eTwinning partners to join my Class 1 pupils in creating a mini video dictionary of the words of kindness in our languages and spread kindness together.

Tuesday 22 February 2022

In the Wild

This lesson with Class 1 pupils was a bit different and special because we had a visit from a group of their older friends who are now in Class 5. Both groups wanted to show their linguistic and artistic skills, the older ones on the board, and the younger ones in their notebooks:

Manja, I2
Nevena, I3

Monday 21 February 2022

Presidents' Day

The Americans celebrate Presidents' Day every third Monday of February. Then, they remember all their presidents, particularly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who were born in February.

As members of the Let's walk around the USA! eTwinning project, my Class 6 pupils have recently done research on the presidents of the USA.

They've also collaborated with other Twainians on the timeline of American presidents.

Friday 18 February 2022

Favourite Sports

In international teams, my Class 2 pupils have drawn and described their own and the team members' favourite sports.

Monday 14 February 2022

The Mouse's Garden

Nevena, I3
 My Class 1 pupils have recently enjoyed listening to the story from England about kindness. 

Later, I asked them to remember the situations when they were kind to the others and somebody was kind to them, and how that made them feel.

Saturday 12 February 2022

SID 2022

We dedicated the whole week to talking about the good and bad sides of the Internet, sharing e-safety tips, playing quizzes and escape games, and doing other interesting and useful activities.

Class 4 pupils, members of the eTwinventors are on the stage project, drew and recorded some e-safety rules:

Class 6 pupils also did a survey about their favourite gadget (smartphone's No. 1), discussed how often and how they use them, and shared their thoughts about their presence in 20 years' time.

I use my smartphone to listen to music and play games. I think they will be around in 20 years because they will improve. Every new generation of smartphone is better and better.

Mia Pavlov, VI2

My favourite gadget is my phone. I use it to access the internet, play games, talk to my friends. I use it every day. I think there will be some kind of it in 20 years' time.

Lara Avramov, VI2

My favorite gadget is a smartphone. It is used by a combination of buttons and touches. I think that the smart phone is used by everyone in this world every day because it is important. I think it will continue to be used in the future because, as I said, it is important for sending SMS messages, phone calls, alarms, video games, online shopping, etc ... That's why I love and use it!

Vanja Badrljički, VI1

Friday 11 February 2022

Reading Tales

My Class 1 pupils enjoy stories. They can't read in English, but they like it when they listen to different stories, especially when I make this reading interactive.

A group of my Class 6 pupils has recently visited my youngest pupils and I asked Mila and Nikolina to read The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck by Beatrix Potter to their younger friends. 

Both groups enjoyed this a lot.

Zoran, I3

Nevena, I3

Monday 7 February 2022

Tom Sawyer and Friends

 My older pupils have collaborated on the comic strip with their friends from France and Spain, as part of the workshop in the If I were Tom Sawyer eTwinning project.

Thursday 3 February 2022


When my Class 2 pupils first heard this song, they didn't like it, but later, it became one of their favourites. I'm not sure if it's because of the lyrics, music or something else...

Look at the spiders,
Look at the rats,
Look at the lizards,
Look at the cats!

Look at the elephants,
Look at the dogs,
Look at the ducks,
And look at the frogs!

Spiders, cats,
Lizards and rats.
Ducks, dogs,
Elephants and frogs.

performed by Class II3

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Film Reviews

Think about your favourite film or the film you've recently seen. Write about it in 80-100 words.

Organise your writing into 3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is the title of the film? What type is it? Who was it directed by? Who stars in it?
Paragraph 2: What is the film about? Who are the main characters? Try not to reveal the ending, please!
Paragraph 3: What do you think about the film, actors, special effects, soundtrack,costumes, ending? Should people watch it? Why (not)?

The title of my favourite film is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Its genre is fantasy. It was directed by David Yates, but the film is based on the book with the same name written by J. K. Rowling. In the Harry Potter film series, there are eight films. However, there are seven books, because the last book was divided into two films. In this film, we can see Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter (also known as the Chosen one), Emma Watson as Hermione Granger, the best student in their class and Rupert Grint as the funny, but brave, Ron Weasley.
All of the films follow the story of Harry Potter, the only person and the wizard who survived the killing curse thrown by Voldemort and Harry's adventures at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Voldemort is known as  the most evil wizard ever. In this one, Harry didn't have a book for a school subject called Potions. The Potions teacher gave him the book of some old student. On its first page it was written: "This book is property of the Half-Blood prince". Who is he? Is he good or evil? Watch the film and find out.
I really enjoyed every single one of the films, but this one was the most exciting for me. I like the plot of the films, from the beginning to the end. I also like how they kept the viewers interested through eight films which is not a short amount of time. I also like how, aside the hatred between Harry and Voldemort, they always introduce new mysteries and adventures, new friendships. These films are a new universe. Shops, money, solving problems, objects, clothing  and many other things from that universe are much different to the ones existing in ours. So, if you are up to going to another universe, which is more interesting than ours, you should watch Harry Potter!

Jovana Karić, VI2

I like to watch movies, but I like animated movies more. My favourite animated movie is "Encanto". It was directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush.Actors that give voices are:Stephanie Beatriz, Jessica Darrow, Diane Guerrero, John Leguizamo.
Encanto is a magical world where the Madrigal family live. They all have gifts(super powers) except Mirabel Madrigal. One night when Mirabel's cousin Antonio gets his gift their house starts breaking and the miracle(magical candle) is in danger. Will Mirabel be able to save the miracle? I am leaving that to you to find out. There are lots of characters, but here are some of my favourite: Mirabel, Dolores, Camilo, Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Antonio, Isabela, Luisa.
I really like the movie and I recommend it to everyone.There are lots of beautiful songs, but my favourite is "We don't talk about Bruno".

Lara Avramov, VI2

My favorite movie is Home Alone.This is an American film comedy made in 1990. It was directed by Chris Columbus. This film has 4 parts. The main actor is Macaulay Culkin who plays the boy Kevin.
I like to watch the 3rd part, which is the most fun. It is about the fact that the boy receives a toy car as a gift, which contains a precious chip. The car is replaced at the airport. A group of criminals is ordered to find the car. They try in various ways to get to the toy, but they do not succeed. The most ridiculous thing is that the boy manages to trick them.
I think people should watch this movie because it is very interesting and exciting. 

Marina Veljin, VI1

The last movie I saw, and I liked a lot, was called Tourists. The director of this film is John Stockwell, and the main characters are Josh Duhamel, Mellisa George, Olivia Wild... This is an American horror movie.
 A group of young people's holidays turn into a nightmare after a bus they set off for Brazil beaks down. Without means of transportation, they are forced to be alone and soon reach the paradise beach, where they decide to stay. The decision will prove to be wrong, because the next morning they're robbed. In a nearby village, they try to find a police station, not knowing that this secret place hides a creepy secret.
I liked the music from the film and the nature was beautiful. Anyone who likes watching horror movies would recommend this one.

Vukašin Ćurčin, VI1

One of my favourite films is Tall Girl. It's an American, teenage, romantic film directed by Nzingha Stewart.
The film is about a rather tall girl who was ridiculed at school because of her height, but in addition to everything, she had friends and family who helped her overcome all the problems she went through in the film.
The main actors are Ava Michael, Griffin Gluck, Luke Eisner...
The film is quite educational, interesting and has a good message. The story has a happy ending where she makes an important and right decision in her life.
The actors are quite good and they played the part very well. People who like this kind of movies should watch it.

Teodora Čudan, VI1