Friday 24 December 2021

Magical Meeting

This Tuesday was quite special for my Class 4 pupils - they joined their first online meeting with our eTwinning friends from Poland and Turkey. They presented our Christmas tradition, chanted, learned about Christmas tradition in Poland and Turkey, sang the Jingle Bells song, and the bravest ones introduced themselves and shared what they like. 

Thursday 23 December 2021

The Alphabet

 This is probably the most favourite song of my Class 2 pupils this school year:


Wednesday 22 December 2021

European Language Label 2021

The activities of my pupils and me in the project Same Planet - Same Aim were recognised as good examples of innovation and creativity in language learning and were awarded a Certificate of Honour.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Magical Time of the Year

It's that magical time of the year, the time to enjoy the celebrations with our family and friends, eat delicious cakes and listen to catchy Christmas songs.

The Twelve Days of Christmas, Silent Night, Frosty the Snowman, Let It Snow!, Winter Wonderland, Deck the Halls, Noel, are just some of the classics. Which is your favourite one? How about reading or playing it?

In some schools and countries, people traditionally organise the Ugly Christmas Jumper contest or party. What's your favourite Christmas tradition? Have you got a favourite ornament? What is it? 

I like Christmas Eve very much. In our country children go from door to door and recite Christmas Eve poems. After that, people give them candies, chocolates, walnuts, or apples. I like Christmas because Jesus was born on that day. 

Vukašin Badrljički, IV2

I like Christmas and decorating a Christmas tree. I like the Jingle Bells song.

Teodora Tomić, IV2

My favorite Christmas tradition is family lunch at my grandparents'. I really like that. My favorite Christmas song is We wish you a Merry Christmas. I like all Christmas ornaments.

Petra Milica Fazekaš, IV1

Monday 20 December 2021


This is yet another catchy song my Class 2 pupils enjoy singing. It followed the lesson about toys.

Hey, Emma! What's your favourite toy? (2x)

My favourite toy isn't a plane.
It isn't a kite or a computer game.
My favourite toy!

Hey, Mike! What's your favourite number? (2x)

My favourite number isn't three.
Can you find it? Look at me!
My favourite number!

Hey, Emma! What's your favourite toy? (2x)

My favourite toy, my favourite toy,
My favourite toy's a go-kart.
That's smart!

Hey, Mike! What's your favourite number? (2x)

My favourite number. my favourite number,
My favourite number's eight.
That's great!

Later, I asked them to think of a new verse with colours, so we sang the personalised versions as well.

Hey, (pupil's name)! What's your favourite colour? (2x)

My favourite colour isn't ...,
It isn't ... or ... .
My favourite colour!

 Hey, (pupil's name)! What's your favourite colour? (2x)

My favourite colour, my favourite colour,
My favourite colour's ... .
That's great!

Friday 17 December 2021

Hello, I am...

A few years ago, my pupils enjoyed the book about Charlie from London and creating their own. That's why I've recently decided to share the whole series with my Class 4 pupils and encourage them to create their own stories using a new web tool.

Book titled 'Hello, we are children from Kikinda, Serbia'Read this book made on StoryJumper

Thursday 16 December 2021


Think about a special festival, tradition or celebration in our country. Describe it. Write about what food the people eat, what activities they do, the reason they celebrate it, the date and season the celebration takes place, and things like that. Include a title with your description.

You can design a poster or create a presentation in Canva if you like.

The Pumpkin Days

Jovana Karić, VI2 

The biggest and the most interesting festival in Kikinda is the traditional Pumpkin Days. It takes place in the fall, the last weekend in September. There is a competition for the heaviest and longest pumpkins and some people sell pumpkin cakes and traditional souvenirs. There are various fun activities for children. 

This festival is organised here because pumpkins grow here and they represent Kikinda. 

Our town is famous and has a lot of tourists from different parts of Serbia and that's why I like it.

Teodora Čudan, VI1

Patron Saint's Day

Every Orthodox family in Serbia have their own Patron Saint's Day. Some of the biggest Patron Saint's Days are Saint Nicholas' Day celebrated on 19th December, Saint George's Day on 6th May, and the Day of Saint Paraskeva of the Balkans on 27th October. 

My Patron Saint's Day is the Day of Saint Stephen of Dečani, celebrated on 24th November. When family and friends come, we serve them with ceremonial wheat (wheat, sugar, nuts). We light the candle and give the guests some ceremonial cake (some kind of bread) which we take to the church that morning. We eat some appetizer, and after that we eat some soup, cabbage rolls, lamb or pork and all kinds of salads. When we finish with the main meal, we eat some cakes. Our guests and we as their host hang out and enjoy singing and dancing. 

Lara Avramov, VI2

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is on 6 January. You fast on that day. You don't eat any meat or sweets. For lunch, there is mostly some fish, dry white semolina or poppy seeds.

The day before Christmas, people prepare gifts for carolers, usually walnuts and sweets. On Christmas Eve, all the children get ready to go carolling. They prepare their boots, candy bags, jackets and hats. Basically, some children agree to go together in groups. They go from door to door, from street to street, knocking and asking, "Good evening, happy Christmas Eve! Do you receive the carolers?" If they get an affirmative answer they start carolling, and eventually they get a present. When the children get home, they show what they got and put the treats in a bowl for the next day.

Sara Stepanov, VI2

Christmas  is celebrated on 7 January. It marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas straw is brought into the house and is not taken out until the holiday is over. People prepare some salad, roast meat, Christmas cake  (česnica). Christmas is celebrated with the family.

Marina Veljin, VI1

Special Celebration

Mia Pavlov, VI2

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Book Reviews

In groups or individually, my Class 6 pupils have recently read their first graded readers in English and presented them to their friends:

Friday 10 December 2021

The Little Engine

Nevena, I3
 My Class 1 pupils enjoyed listening and later watching the story from America about the little engine helping the old one having problems transporting toys to the children. 

We also talked about the situations when they helped the others or somebody else helped them.

Wednesday 8 December 2021


As a warm-up  for their presentations of book reviews, I conducted an online poll among my Class 6 pupils which showed that the majority of them like action and adventure books, while some like comics and detective and mystery, and fantasy books.

I also asked them about their favourite time and place for reading books. And, if they could meet their favourite author or hero from a book, who that would be and what they would ask them. 

Here are some of their answers:

My favourite place to read a book is my bed. I like when I get warm and cozy. I also like to read books in my free time.
I would like to meet Uroš Petrović and ask him:
1. How do you get an inspiration to write books?
2. What is your favorite book that you wrote and why?
3. How many books have you written?
4. Were you having fun while you were writing them?

Lara Avramov, VI2

My favourite place to read a book is under a tree when it's a bit windy and sunny. My favourite hero from a book is Hermione Granger. I'd like to ask her these questions:
- How do you always come up with a solution to a problem?
- If you and your friends were in trouble, what would you do? Would you protect them, attack the enemy or think of a solution that would do both?
- Are other students sometimes jealous of you being the best and does it bother you?

Jovana Karić, VI2

Most of all, I like to read early in the morning in my bed in silence. My favorite writer is the author of the book My Grandfather was a Cherry Tree, Angela Nanetti, and the hero - a boy named Tonino.
I would ask Angela:
- How did you come up with the idea to write the book My Grandfather Was a Cherry Tree?
- What's your favourite book?
- Where did you get your inspiration for writing?
I would ask Tonino:
- Who do you prefer, grandma or grandpa, from the village?
- How is the cherry tree today and do you climb it?

Teodora Nikolin, VI2

I like to read books on a couch while it's raining, I would like to meet Cristiano Ronaldo from the book Cristiano Ronaldo: The Rise of a Winner and I would ask him what it is like to be one of the best players in the world.

Marko Vidović, VI2

I like to read books on my bed when I have free time. I would like to meet Siniša Mihajlović from the book God's left foot and I would ask him what was his career like when he always scored with his 'magic' left foot.

Nikola Borić, VI2

My favourite place to read a book is my bed. My favourite writer is Desanka Maksimović. I like to read her books in my free time. And these are the questions I would ask her:
1. Why did you decide to be a writer?
2. What is your favourite book?
3. What is your favourite place to read a book?
4. At what age did you write your first book?

Anja Tunić, VI2

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Christmas Cards Exchange 2021

With their chosen partners, my younger pupils enjoyed creating cards for their friends from around Europe.

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Amazing Creatures

In their chosen groups, according to the habitats, my Class 4 pupils have created their presentations of jungle, sea, grassland, desert, polar and forest animals. They were proud and excited to share them with their peers.

Sunday 28 November 2021

TALE Fast Forward

This autumn, I joined the innovative project Teach Art Learn English of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection from Novi Sad and the Association of English Language Teachers ELTA from Belgrade.

The project is aimed to bring older students closer to the cultural heritage of the town and art in English.

The curators from our National Museum, another English language teacher and I have designed educational materials for workshops in English: Fashion, Before Selfies, Chat & Chill, Cool Stuff, and Spin & Play.

Before the visit, I organised a pre-visit lesson on 23 November for a group of Class 7 and Class 8 students. They shared their favourite museum memories, read the text about our National Museum, answered some comprehension questions, went through the glossary, watched a video clip showing how not to behave at the museum, and enjoyed playing the escape game.

The pilot TALE workshop at the National Museum was organised on 27 November and was greatly enjoyed by everyone. First, the students visited the permanent exhibition of the Museum with curators. Then, they were divided into five groups, according to the topics. In their groups, they chose a work of art or exhibit to analyse, and finally designed something by themselves.

Friday 26 November 2021

Best inventions

 A car, a bike, a computer and a phone are just a few inventions both of my Classes 4 pupils voted as the best.

They also enjoyed designing their word clouds with the names of different inventions listed by their friends.  

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Favourite Sports

Think about your favourite sport. It can be the one you practise or just watch. Write about it in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What sport do you like? Is it an individual or a team sport? How long have you played it? Are you good at it? Why is this sport more special than the others?
Paragraph 2: Is it an indoor or outdoor sport? Where do you practise or watch it? How often? Who with? What equipment do you need for this sport? What is its aim? If it's a team sport, how many players are there in each team? How do you get points?
Paragraph 3: What are the good sides of this sport? What are its bad sides? Remember the injuries!
Paragraph 4: Why do you like this sport? How does it make you feel when you do or watch it?

My favourite sport is volleyball. It's a team sport.
There are six players and you play it on the court. You need knee pads, a ball, really tight shorts, a club or team T-shirt.
You play it until you win three sets to twenty-five points. When both teams have win two sets, the fifth set is played.
When I played it, I had lots of fun, I made new friends and most importantly I was healthy. Unfortunately, you can twist your ankle, pull your muscle and sprain your wrist.
I like it because you have fun playing it, it`s healthy, it`s easy to play it and it's relaxing.

Lara Avramov, VI2

My favourite sport is table tennis. This is an individual and sometimes a team sport.
We play it in the gym.
It's a match between two or four players. Every player has a racket and the main goal is to send the ball in opponent's half of the table and that he/she doesn't return it.
One of the good sides is that you can make new friends. The bad side is that you can break your arm or leg.
I have played for 2 months and during this time I have had a great time. I hope I will play table tennis for a long time.

Bogdan Đurović, VI1

My favorite sport is folk dance. A lot of people say that folk dance is not a sport but they are wrong. Folklore is played in a circle. I have been folk dancing for 7 years, and I am good at it. This sport is special because we learn traditional dances, hang out and travel.
We play indoors, three times a week. We wear T-shirts, leggings and ballet flats, and we wear a national costume at concerts. There are no specific numbers of players.
The bad side of this sport is that we jump a lot and we can pull a muscle, and the good thing is that we learn something new.
I love folk dance because we hang out, travel, play and sing.

Marina Veljin, VI1

My favorite sport is volleyball. I have played it for one year. I like team sports because I can play with friends and we have fun.
We play three times a week at Technical School and there are 6 players in a team. My friends and cousin also train volleyball and at weekends we have volleyball competitions.
For volleyball you need a ball and a net and players have to hit the ball over the net.
This sport is nice and it makes us very tall. Unfortunately, we can hurt our knees or hands if the ball is very hard.
I love volleyball because it is a team sport, I meet a lot of friends and I feel nice while playing.

Teodora Čudan, VI1

We all have something that can make us happy even on our worst days. For me, that is my favourite sport, volleyball. I've been playing it for four years. It's a team sport with six players on the court and some on the bench. I am pretty good at it. Even if people think it's basic, it's the only sport or thing that can make me feel the way it does.
It's an indoor sport and I practise it on trainings with my team, but also alone in my garden. I have volleyball practice three times a week. Volleyball may look easy, but believe me, it's not. It's also very complicated with so many rules. The aim is to score points. There are lots of ways to score points, but the most simple one is that you score when the ball touches the opponent's side of the court.
The good sides of this sport are that your arms and legs get much stronger, you get better at focusing and analyzing the situation you're in. For example, if you see that your opponents are a bit farther from the net, you throw the ball weaker, shorter. The bad sides are that you can get hurt very easily, by twisting your ankle, pulling a muscle or if you fall really badly, you can even break your leg or your arm.
I like this sport because it makes me happy, it's exciting and I also like it because you have multiple choices of what you will do next or how to trick the opponent. Volleyball makes me so excited that it feels like some kind of power or electricity going through my body. When I play it, I feel like something is telling me what to do, showing me what to do and if I realize the ball is going to fall, I feel like something is pushing me to start running towards it. I understand that this thing I am describing is most likely me, but I am still thankful to it for always being there for me and helping me everyday.

Jovana Karić, VI2

The sport I do, and also my favourite, is ballet. Ballet is a team sport, because we all have to work as one. I have been dancing ballet for six or seven years, non-stop. I'm very good at it. I remember every name of the combination and jumps. In my opinion, ballet is difficult, and everyone thinks it's easy, but it's even harder than volleyball or football, so, in my opinion, it's more special.
Ballet is an indoor sport, but it can also be outdoors due to various performances.The building where I train ballet is the Cultural Center. There we have two halls, a small and a large one, and one locked room. Both halls have a mirror, a stick for combinations and a piano for the accompanist. For ballet, you need: white tights, leotards, soft and pointed ballet flats.There is no specific number of students, there can be twenty of them in one class, as was the case, but only four of them finished. There are no points, but every June we have an exam where we get a grade from one to four.
The good sides of ballet are that we learn another language, French, since all the combinations are in French, you make a lot of friends and both girls and boys can enroll.The downsides, or disadvantages, are that we get very tired in class and have to arrive early in the morning on some days.The worst injury happened to me last week.We were doing a special reel in the back and we had to bend our head to do it. I ended up with twelve bruises and my left leg was swollen.
I love ballet because it suits me, I have fun during class or while composing choreographies. As I do the combinations, I feel tired and worried. I worry about whether I hold my legs and arms well.

Sara Stepanov, VI2

My favorite sport is water polo. That's what I've been training for three years. Water polo is a team sport played in water between two teams of seven players each. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins the match. This sport is very good because it develops the whole body.
I have a practice every evening and it lasts two hours. When summer comes, we swim outside.
The advantage of this sport is that in summer you can play it in a lake or in the sea. The downside of this sport is that it's rough. You can't see it when you watch it on TV. There are a lot of cities that don't have an indoor pool, so that's one of the drawbacks.
Water polo teaches you to be a member of a team, to love water and to be strong.

Vukašin Ćurčin, VI1

My favourite sport is volleyball. It is a team sport.
It is played on the court. Volleyball players wear elbow and knee pads. The match lasts three sets. A point is scored when the opponent fails to defend, when the ball hits the net or goes out.
The good side of this sport is that the team consists of a lot of members so you can meet new friends. It is exciting because you don't know how the opponent will play.
It is not an expensive sport because you don't need  a lot of equipment. Possible injuries are a twisted ankle or a broken finger.
Volleyball is my favourite sport because a team has to think like one to play well. I love volleyball the most and that's why I train it.

Iva Todorić, VI2

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Keeping in touch

Meeting and singing with our friends from Slovenia was a real adventure for my youngest pupils!

Monday 22 November 2021


With the help of their parents and/or older sibling, my Class 2 pupils, have recently cut out their own tangram pieces, so, after showing and making a few basic images, we turned it into a competition.

Friday 19 November 2021

Home, Sweet Home

We've just started learning the rooms in the house, and what's better way for my youngest pupils to remember them than by making paper houses and drawing the furniture in each room.

Thursday 18 November 2021

What's this?

This song is great for revising school things and reminding the children to clean after themselves. My 8-year-olds just love it!

Look at the desk,
Look at the desk,
The desk is in a mess!

Is it your pen?
Is it your book?
Is it your pencil case?
Yes or no?
Tell me, Joe.

It isn't my pen.
It isn't my book.
It isn't my pencil case.
Oh, no, no!
No, no, no!

Look at the desk,
Look at the desk,
The desk is in a mess!


Wednesday 17 November 2021


As a warm-up for our lessons on sports, I asked my Class 6 pupils a few questions:

  • What's your favourite sport? 
  • What sport are you good at? 
  • What sport are you not so good at? 
  • What sport would you like to try? Why?

Here are some of their answers:

My favorite sport is ping pong. I'm good at ping pong and also basketball. I'm not so good at volleyball. I would like to try basketball, but ping pong is still my favorite. Basketball is kind of an interesting and fun game to play with your friends.

Nikola Andrić, VI1

My favourite sport is table tennis and I am good at it. I am also good at handball, but not at gymnastics. I would like to try tennis because the racket is bigger and the game is played outside.

Nevena Kiurski, VI1

My favorite sport is football.
I'm good at football.
I'm nod good at swimming.
I would like to try volleyball because it's an exciting sport.

Iva Kiš, VI2

My favourite sport is volleyball. When I played it, I was very good at it, but unfortunately I had to stop because of corona virus and my health. But I don't know if I'm good at it now.
I am not good at skating because I don't have so much balance when I am on moving things without a handle to hold on to.
I would really like to try figure skating because I like the costumes, they are shiny and they have so many bright colours. I've always loved being on ice and I love ice-skating. 

Lara Avramov, VI2

My favourite sport is volleyball and I am pretty good at it. However, I am not good at football, because I find it really hard to run for a long time. I would like to try ice skating. It looks very exciting and fun, but I know it's also very hard.

Jovana Karić, VI2

My favorite sport is volleyball. Except for volleyball, I am good at athletics. But, I am extremely bad at basketball. Apart from volleyball, I would like to train swimming. It seems fun and challenging.

Teodora Nikolin, VI2

My favorite sport is basketball. I'm good at basketball. I would like to try handball, because it looks interesting to me.

Vanja Šibul, VI3

My favorite sport is handball. I play it with my friends most of the time. I love this sport. It is very interesting.

Stojan Barbul, VI3

Monday 15 November 2021

Eco Fighters

 Imagining ourselves as eco superheroes can be very interesting and a lot of fun. 

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Cubbies and Games

Although we were sent on a forced break, several of my Class 6 pupils joined the first online meeting for the eTwainiacs. They shared their virtual cubbies and enjoyed playing some online games about the USA prepared by the French teacher.

Saturday 6 November 2021

Postcard Exchange

 Thanks to the Walking around Europe eTwinning project, we met a lot of new friends and explored our continent in a more interesting way, by exchanging postcards

Soon after we'd sent our handmade postcards, we received the postcards from the pupils and their teachers: Beata from Poland, Canan from Turkey, Clary from the Netherlands, Esther from Spain, Janka from Slovakia, Jitka from the Czech Republic, Melinda from Romania, Selma from Bosnia and Herzegovina. A month later, we received the postcards from Maria, Marina, Elena and Laura from Italy, Nina from Croatia, and Diane from Spain.

Friday 5 November 2021


  • What's the name of your favourite restaurant or café? Where is it? How often do you go there? Who with? 
  • What does it look like? Is it big or small? What colour are the walls? Are there any paintings on the walls? 
  • What can you order there? What's your favourite thing on the menu? Why?
  • Why do you like going there?

My favourite restaurant is McDonald's. I visit it once a month, with my family.
It is big and the colour of its walls is white. There are no pictures.
You can order burgers, chips, coca cola, ice cream. My menu includes a burger and a vanilla shake.
I like going there because the prices are okay.

Marija Nađ, IV1

Dante is my favorite restaurant. Dante is near the bus station in Kikinda. I go there with my mother a few times a week.
Dante is a big and very modern place. The walls are blue and white. There are some  paintings and lamps on the walls and some  flowers.
We can order food, drinks, coffee and desserts there. My favorite thing on the menu is soup, chicken nuggets and chips with cucumber salad and for dessert a pancake with chocolate cream. I like eating there because the food is very tasty.
I like that restaurant because the place is very nice.

Petra Milica Fazekaš, IV1

My favourite restaurant is called Rebos. I was there once with my sister and my mother.
It is big and very cosy. Everything is made of wood and looks like a big, warm living room. The walls are brown, just like wood.
You can order cooked meals, sandwiches, all kinds of pizza and cakes.
My favourite food to order is pizza. I like it veeeery much!
I like going there because it feels like home. 

Vukašin Badrljički, IV2

My favorite restaurant is Bob. Bob’s in Melenci.
It is a small place and the walls are green, but it it beautiful.
The menu has burgers, sandwiches, hotdogs, coca-cola, and orange juice. My favorite thing is a burger.
The prices are good, and I like eating there because the food is delicious!

Nikolina Pilipović, IV2

Thursday 4 November 2021

The Magical World of Beatrix Potter

My Class 2 pupils have just stepped into the magical world of Beatrix Potter and liked it. 

By the way, they've recently started learning the Latin alphabet, so Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes turned out to be just the right choice for them.

Monday 1 November 2021

A Scary Experience

Think about a scary experience you had in the past. Write about it in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 3 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Where were you? Who were you with? What was the weather like? What happened first?
Paragraph 2: What happened next? Pay attention to the order the events happened!
Paragraph 3: What happened in the end? How did you feel?

When I was five I went to a friend's house. It was a dark December night.
My friend and I were playing hide and seek. When we finished, she turned off the lights and took a lamp. She turned on the lamp and every time she did that she made a creepy noise. I started screaming and crying.
After my parents heard me screaming they got in the room and turned the lights on. That's how my scary experience was over. 

Lara Avramov, VI2

I was always afraid of bad weather.
It was in the summer 6 years ago. My parents and I took my brother to a friend's birthday party, and when we were returning home, the wind started to blow hard. Thunder started and it was raining hard. My dad immediately hurried to get home. A tree branch fell on the car. I saw a woman running after a stroller. She failed to reach it and it rolled over. Due to the crowd, Dad couldn't stop the car.
After the storm, we picked up Vukan from the party.
I'm still worried about the baby in the stroller.

Ognjen Orašanin, VI2

It was a cold, spooky night. Last day of October, Halloween has finally come. I was with my family at my grandpa’s house in a small village near our town. He lives in a street with only two houses, his and his neighbour’s. My sister and our cousin went out in the street to take some photos. The street is very small and all of the street lights haven’t lit up for years.
Just like I said, I was taking photos of them and suddenly, I saw something moving in the darkness of a small road, a bit farther. I told them, but they didn’t even look there and told me that it’s grandpa’s neighbour. I kept telling them that something scary was slowly walking toward us. They were really scared when I told them what it looked like. It was really tall, I wasn’t even able too see its face because of the trees, with long arms that were reaching his knees and it was very slim, it looked exactly like a horror character Slenderman. You probably wonder why they got scared at that moment. It’s because grandpa’s neighbour is pretty short and chubby. They looked and it was still walking towards us, but even a bit faster. We ran as fast as we could to the house. We were terrified, but I was also a bit excited.
So, if someone tells you a creepy creature is coming towards you, believe them, it might be true. I am going to my grandpa tomorrow. Wait, isn’t Halloween tomorrow!?

Jovana Karić, VI2

Sunday 31 October 2021

Hallowe'en 2021

The last few days of October were a lot of fun for my pupils. We talked about children's favourite festival and sang different versions of the Knock, Knock, Trick-or-Treat song.

I asked my Class 1 pupils to imagine they're celebrating this holiday as well, so they created some interesting Hallowe'en costumes. 

Sara M, I2
Đorđe C, I2

Željka B, I3

Milijana T, I3

Class 2 pupils drew a mind map and revised Hallowe'en vocabulary. They also had fun with their cut-outs.

In their small groups, Class 4 pupils wrote their first acrostic poems.

Haunted houses are scary!
A candy hunting is fun!
Lollipops and sweets are everywhere!
Licking lollipops and eating sweets!
Owls look at you!
Witches fly across the sky, just like little stars!
Evil things are missing!
Everyone is happy!
Nobody is bored!

Ivana's team, IV1

Their older friends, my Class 6 pupils, told their spooky stories and enjoyed the escape game I created. 

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Code Week 2021

 During the last weeks of October my Class 2 and Class 4 pupils took part in the EU Code Week activities. 

In teams, younger pupils created the flags of different European countries using pixel art. The other teams and their eTwinning friends tried to guess the countries and find them on the map.

In groups, Class 4 pupils explored the binary code alphabet chart, and then used it to find the code for each of the letters in the name of a famous person, such as a writer, a scientist or an inventor. They shared their codes with the other teams and other eTwinventors who tried to crack the code and find the names of famous people.

Monday 18 October 2021

Healthy Habits

 Vegetarian Day, Mental Health Day, Handwashing Day, Food Day, Apple Day, etc. All of them are in October and aimed at increasing the awareness and understanding the importance of living a healthy life.

So, how do you take care of yourselves? Why is it important to wash our hands and eat healthy food? What are your top 3 healthy habits? 

I have 5 meals a day. I don't eat sweets, junk food and snacks. I have lots of sleep and exercise.
It's important to wash our hands not to get viruses. It's important to eat healthy food because our body needs vitamins, proteins and minerals to keep our body healthy and to grow and develop.
My top 3 healthy habits are:
1. Eat healthy food
2. Have enough sleep
3. Exercise every day

Lara Avramov, VI2

 It's important to wash our hands because of viruses and bacteria.
We should eat healthy food to get everything our body needs. These are the ways I take care of myself: eat healthy food and drink a lot of water, exercise, take care of my mental health. But, it's not healthy to sleep for too long, to go on a too strict diet or drink too much water, to exercise too much or do any of these healthy habits with no limits.
For me, these habits are the most important:
- take care of your mental health; it's as important as physical health
- get enough sleep; school or any other things shouldn't influence it
- go outdoors every day; don't always stay inside on your phone during your free time.

Jovana Karić, VI2

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Columbus Day

Every second Monday in October the Americans celebrate Columbus Day in memory of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus who landed in the Americas in 1492.

Since we're members of the Let's walk around the USA! eTwinning project, I've asked my older pupils to watch a video about Columbus and compare what they already know to what they've seen and heard in the video.

Friday 8 October 2021

Cartoon Characters

  • Who's your favourite cartoon character? 
  • What's his/her name? 
  • Where's he/she from? 
  • What does he/she look like? 
  • What's he/she like? 
  • What can he/she do? 
  • What does he/she like?

My favorite cartoon character is Sponge Bob.
He lives at the bottom of the sea. In fact, he is a yellow sponge with big blue eyes and two large teeth. He has brown trousers, a red tie and big black shoes.
Sponge Bob is very interesting, funny, and always happy. He can do what he wants, because his body is a sponge. He likes telling jokes and eating ice cream with Patrick :) 

Petra Milica Fazekaš, IV1

My favourite cartoon character is Elsa.
Elsa is tall and slim. She has got long blond hair and big blue eyes. Elsa has got a blue dress.
She is funny and smart. Elsa is not very friendly. She likes animals.

Marija Nađ, IV1

Tuesday 5 October 2021

World Animal Day

On World Animal Day, I wanted to hear my Class 6 pupils' opinion about keeping wild animals in zoos:

I think that we shouldn't keep wild animals in zoos. They should live in their natural environment. We should imagine how we, humans, would feel if we lived our whole lives inside of a little cage, watching animals laughing at us outside the cage and doing nothing about us being trapped, not helping us.
When I was little, I loved going to the zoo because all animals seemed happy and only one or two looked sad. Now, I know why I thought that. Some of them were born in the zoo and they don't have any idea how much they would prefer their natural environment than the zoo, only if they knew what it's like. The ones which are sad probably know how better they could feel right now if they weren't in a zoo.

Jovana Karić, VI2

I think that animals shouldn't be in a zoo because they are trapped there. The ones which are born in the zoo are used to living in a cage, so they don't know how it feels to be free.
I don't like that zoos exchange animals for other animals or sell them. Every living being should be free, in their natural environment.

Lara Avramov, VI2

Monday 4 October 2021

All About...

 How many real friends have you got? What makes a good friend? Who is your best friend? Write about him/her in 80-100 words.
Organise your writing into 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: What is your friend's name? Has he/she got a nickname? How and when did you two meet?
Paragraph 2: What does your friend look like? How old is he/she? How tall is he/she? What can you say about his/her weight, hair, eyes?
Paragraph 3: What is your friend like? Don't just list the good and bad sides! Use the examples!
Paragraph 4: Why is your friend special to you? What do you enjoy doing together?

My best friend's name is Kalina. We met when we were three.
She is twelve. She is 147 cm tall and thin. She has got straight, dark brown hair and big brown eyes.
She is good, generous and always ready to help someone in trouble.
When we were nine, we went rollerskating together. I got my wheel stuck in a hole and I couldn't get it out, so she helped me.
She can also be stubborn sometimes, but I don't mind.
She is special to me because I can tell her my secrets and I know that she will keep them safe.
We love doing things together, but our favourite thing is building Legos.
Because of school we can't hang out as much as we used to, but we try spending our free time together.

Lara Avramov, VI2

Every person should have a best friend. We all sometimes need a hug, a talk to cheer up, help with something and a person that we can trust with our secrets and problems. My best friends are Bojana, Iva, Mia and Staša. I have known them since I was six, since the first day of school.
Mia and Staša have mid-length, brown hair, but Staša's hair is straight while Mia's is wavy . Staša has blue-greenish eyes and Mia has dark brown eyes. Bojana and Iva have long, straight hair but Bojana's is lighter than Iva's. Bojana has green eyes and Iva has brown eyes. They are of medium height. We are all eleven or twelve.
‌They are very polite, energetic and honest. Iva is the most honest. She always tells the truth. Bojana is the most creative, Mia is the most energetic and Staša is the most confident.
You probably think that the main reason why they're my best friends is that they're funny, but as much as it is true, there are many more reasons why I love them. I am the type of a person who always searches for the beautiful essence of simple things like a hug or a smile as a way of greeting or just sharing our school lunches.

Jovana Karić, VI2

My best friend's name is Aleksa. He is 11 years old.
He is tall and has got short straight black hair and brown eyes. He is chubby.
He has a lot of good sides and a few bad ones.
For example, he listens to me carefully when I have something to say. He is there when I need something or I need help. Sometimes he prevents me from getting into trouble. He is a little lazy but it doesn't bother me because it's his only flaw. I can remember when we met in the first grade and since then we've been best friends.

Vukašin Krasić, VI1

My best friend's name is Vukašin. He's also my oldest friend because I've known him all my life. His nickname is Vule. My father and his father are the best friends, so his father Jakša is my godfather.
He's slim and tall. He's got brown eyes and short straight brown hair. He's 12 years old.
Vukašin is funny. He tells funny things. He's also smart. He plays the guitar but he's often bossy because he wants everybody to play by his terms.
He is special to me because I've known him all my life and I hope that we will be best friends in the future.

Bogdan Đurović, VI1

My best friend's name is Tadija. He doesn't have a nickname. The two of us met on the first day of school. We've been friends ever since.
He is large, tall, has short black hair and brown eyes. He is 12 years old and plays basketball. He has two brothers.
Tadija is in a good mood and cheerful all the time, with a smile on his face - we always have something to talk about and we are never bored. I appreciate that he is always with me. When I'm sick he calls me to see how I'm doing and sends me homework. When my bike broke down after training, he walked home with me in the rain.
On weekends we hang out, play games, watch movies. We don't have time during the week because of learning and basketball training.

Ognjen Orašanin, VI2

My best friend's name is Iva. Her nickname is Ivka. I call her like that. We met in the first grade. We started hanging out and being best friends then.
Iva has straight dark brown hair. Her eyes are green. She is of medium height, and she is 149 cm tall. She is slim, and she is twelve years old.
Ivka's favourite colours are green, purple and blue. She has a dog. His name is Gary. We love going rollerskating together. We go to school together, we walk with Gary and do so many more things.
She is my best friend because she is always there to help me. We all have some best friends, like me.

Ana Vojvodić, VI2

My best friend is Bogdan. I like call him Bogie. We met on the first day of school.
He has short brown hair, blue eyes, glasses. He is thin. Bogdan is 12 years old.
He likes playing table tennis and he is good, smart and  funny. Bogie helps me in class  when something is not clear to me, and he always makes me laugh with his jokes. Sometimes he can be bossy. When I use his pencil sharpener, he always orders me to empty it.
Bogdan is a special person because he is always there to help me.

Mihajlo Jovanović, VI1

My best friend is Danilo. He is 11 years old.
Danilo is of medium height and chubby. He's got short fair hair and blue eyes.
Dacha is cheerful. He smiles a lot. He does a lot of things. Dacha can be bossy at times. He likes telling people what to do.
Dacha is my best freand and we have lots of fun together.

Nebojša Stanaćev, VI3

We all have a best friend or someone close. My best friend is Jovana.
Jovana is 11 years old. She has long straight hair. Her eyes are dark brown. Jovana is of medium weight and height.
Jovana is cheerful. She is a true friend because she is always there for me when I need help She is popular because she is smart and one of the best students in the class. She panics a lot after the test, because sometimes she's not sure of herself.
I hang out with her because we have similar habits and we love similar things.

Iva Todorić, VI2

Friday 1 October 2021

The Queen Bee

My Class 1 pupils like listening to stories, talking about them, thinking about their values, and drawing their favourite parts, of course.

When we read the story from Germany, most of them liked the part when the animals helped the boy as a way of thanking him for his kindness and help.

Milijana S, I3
Matej V, I3
Kalina S, I3
Helena M, I2

Nevena M, I3
Marko G, I3

Manja B, I2
Milijana T, I3