Friday 21 December 2018

Fancy a game?

The last day in the semester is always reserved for some games and songs. This time we played the Frozen Christmas Trivia Game I found online. One minute teams won some points, another they switched or lost all their points. But, the best thing was that they learned something new and had fun.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

What's the time?

Since some of my Class 5 students have problems with telling the time, I've asked their friends to create an app or 2 and help them solve the problem in this way:

Monday 17 December 2018

New Year Wishes for 2019

We've received so many lovely cards with best wishes in the year to come from our eTwinning friends that we've decided to organise an exhibition at the entrance to our school:

Wishes from Portugal and Turkey
Wishes from Galati, Romania
Wishes from Greece
Wishes from England
Wishes from Spain
Wishes from France
Wishes from Spain
Wishes from Arcozelo, Portugal
Wishes from Lithuania
Wishes from Spain
My Class 7 students have prepared and made a video survey with their school friends.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Digital Lesson 2018

This autumn, I have taken part in the contest Digital Lesson organised by The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Serbia and am happy to say that my lesson Stories Behind Traditions was published in the online Collection of the Lessons in December.

Over 370 lessons have taken part in the contest, but only those which fulfilled the criteria of the contest are published in the Collection.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Christmas Cards Exchange

This year the Christmas spirit's arrived earlier - our new eTwinning friends from Croatia, England, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Ukraine sent us lovely cards and wishes for the New Year and we decided to do the same for them:

Monday 26 November 2018

Professor Balthazar travels around Europe

These days we've been talking about different jobs, we sing songs and dream about what we want to be when we grow up. 
Today, I decided to introduce my Class 3 students with Professor Balthazar by showing them the episode with flying Fabian. Very few children have heard about this inventor and they were particularly surprised by the fact that all the scenes had been drawn by hand, so they all paid great attention to the story and admired the drawings.

After we'd seen the episode, I asked them to put on a Balthazar's hat and 'invent' something useful.  
Andrija, III4
Nikolina, III4
David, III1

Sunday 25 November 2018

Green Kids

Green Kids is an eTwinning project which gathered the children from England, France, Greece, Spain and Turkey around the same goals: 
- to learn about the natural environment,
- to create awareness about environmental issues,
- to investigate possible solutions to "save the World",
- to start initiatives to help "saving the World",
- to develop creative writing and storytelling.

In one of the lessons, my Class 3 students and I first talked about our endangered animals, including our local birds, and the ways we can help them. Then, I asked them to make groups according to the animal they want to 'write' about. They decided on the parts of their stories, illustrated them and later told them. Two stories (Green Kid and Asio Otus, and Green Kid and Otis Tarda) are now in the joint storybook on StoryJumper.
Book titled 'Green KidsStory Book 1'Read this book made on StoryJumper

Saturday 24 November 2018

Owlember 2018

November is the month when long-eared owls come to Kikinda's square to spend the winter. What's more, our town's been the world's largest winter roost site of long-eared owls for the past several years. During the Owls' Festival aka Owlember children take part in different activities. They make different things in the shape of owls, take part in a quiz, count the owls on the square etc. My older students have made presentations and games about the owls and shared them with the students from other schools who were present at the opening of the event dedicated to long-eared owls.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Famous people in Europe

Thanks to this eTwinning project, my Class 7 students and their peers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine presented and learned a lot about famous historical figures from different European countries (WordArt).

My Class 7 students have created a Timeline of famous Spanish people and a few interesting applications:

Friday 16 November 2018

Tolerance Day 2018

On 16 November, the International Day for Tolerance, my Class 7 students and I prepared a programme by which we wanted to say that we should respect and accept each other regardless of the differences, not only on this day, but always.

At the beginning of the programme, we showed a video survey conducted by my young journalists who asked our youngest students what tolerance is.

Later on, 5 teams of students from different classes participated in a fun-educational quiz, they listened to poems in Serbian, German and English, traditional Serbian songs and two students played the synthesizers and guitar. Our ballerinas also had their performance. In the end, we all treated ourselves with the cakes prepared by mums and grandmas.

We are glad that the children from the migrant centre also joined our programme.

The International Day for Tolerance was established on 16 November 1995 at the General Assembly of UNESCO. According to the Declaration, tolerance is the acceptance of the fact that "human beings, naturally different in appearance, position, speech, behavior and values, have the right to live and be what they are."

I've also created an event on eTwinning, invited all teachers to always promote tolerance, respect and dignity in their schools and asked them to share their activities on an online canvas.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

My Dream House

 Describe your dream house. Where is it? What is it made of? How many floors / rooms are there? What is there outside? Why do you like it? 

My dream house is in New York City.
It is a big house. It has got rooms downstairs and upstairs.
There are three bedrooms upstairs. There are two bathrooms. There is a kitchen and next to it is the living room. There is a big swimming pool too. It is great fun swimming inside my house.
Outside there is a garage and a garden.
I like my dream house.

Nikolina Krstekanić, V3

My dream house is in London. 
It is very big. There are rooms downstairs and upstairs.
There are three bedrooms and a bathroom. There is a living room, a gym, a playroom, and a kitchen next to a dining room. There is a big TV and a beautiful sofa there.
Outside is a garden, a garage, and a swimming pool. In the garden, we have got lots of animals. There are tigers, elephants and monkeys. I like playing with them.
I like my dream house.

Ivana Baltašik, V3

My dream house is pink and purple. It has wings and a horn like a unicorn.
There is a kitchen, a big bedroom, a bathroom and a living room.
The kitchen isn't very big. It has got a table, some chairs and a cooker.
The living room is big. It has got a big TV, a sofa, an armchair and colourful curtains. It's very decorated.
The bathroom has got a toilet, a shower and a sink.
My bedroom is huge. It has got a big bed with a rainbow above.
I love my dream house.

Nevena Nakrajkućin, V3

Friday 9 November 2018

The US of A

Several of my Class 7 students put on 'teachers' hats' and prepared a lesson on The USA. They made presentations, quizzes, and one of them even brought cakes for the occasion. Unfortunately, some technical problems prevented us from enjoying the Kahoot game.


Wednesday 7 November 2018


A police officer, a doctor, a football or basketball player, are just a few jobs my Class 3 students want to do in the future.
Nikola III2
Mihajlo III3

I also shared an online flashcard game with them to help them to learn the new words more easily.

Monday 5 November 2018

Ideas Central
As part of its 30th birthday celebration, Express Publishing has asked the teachers from around the world to share their favourite activities, the best of which would be selected for their new book. 

I'm happy and proud to say that my activity will be featured in the resource book Ideas Central.

It should be noted that the money raised from the sale will be donated to the Make-A-Wish® Foundation.

Sunday 4 November 2018

Eco bon ton

This October my Class 3/4 students and I took up a challenge and created a poster with eco rules.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Halloween 2018

Different costumes, songs, arts and crafts and other interesting activities marked this Halloween for my Class 3 students.

Sunday 28 October 2018

All about my sister / brother

Describe your sister/brother. The following might help you:
  • introduction: What's your sister's/brother's name?
  • main part:
    - What is she/he like? Is she/he cheerful, shy, bad-tempered,...?
    - What's the most annoying thing about her/him?
    - What are her/his hobbies? What do you do together?
  • conclusion: What do you think about your sister/brother in general? 
My cousin's name is Tamara. She is six years old, and she is a lot of fun.
Tamara has short, blonde hair, and green eyes. She is also very small, but tough.
I enjoy hanging out with her, because we always have fun together.
However, she is sometimes very loud and annoying when she isn't in the center of attention.
We are both very adventurous, so every time I visit her family, she and her brother would take me to the woods for the adventure I never forget. It's so much fun!
I love my cousin Tamara, because I can count on her, and she is the best cousin ever.

Tijana Filipović, VII5

Tuesday 23 October 2018

My Family

Write about your family.
How many members are there in your family? What are their names? How old are they? What do they look like? What do they like?

My family is big. I live with my mom, dad and sister.
My mom has got long, brown hair and green eyes. She loves watching TV and reading books.
My dad has got short, black hair and blue eyes. He loves playing computer games.
My sister has got long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She loves singing and drawing.
I love my family so much, but my mom is the best one in the family.

David Nađ, V3

My family is very big. In my family, there is dad, mum, two sisters and two brothers.
My dad's name is Dejan, mum's Mirjana, big sister's Ratka, and younger twin brothers are Todor and Dimitrije. My name's Tijana.
We have all got brown eyes, but my dad has got blue eyes.

Tijana Sokola, V3

My family is big.
My mom's name is Vesna and dad's name is Predrag. I've got three sisters. Nataša is twenty-three years old, Duška is twenty-two years old, and Dragana is seven years old.
My name is Milica. I am ten years old.
I love my family.

Milica Aranbašić, V3

Friday 19 October 2018

My Favourite Superhero

 Describe your favourite superhero.
What's his/her name? How old is he/she?
What does he/she look like? What does his/her outfit look like?
What are his/her superpowers?
Where does he/she live? Who are his/her family members?

My favourite superhero is Amazing Spiderman. His real name is Peter Parker.
Peter lives in New York City with his Aunt May.
He has got a super outfit. It is red with little blue.
Amazing Spiderman's biggest enemy is Man-Lizard. His real name is Dr Conors.
Amazing Spiderman has got the best reflex in the world.

Nikola Isakov, V3

My favourite superhero is Spiderman. His real name is Peter Parker.
I like him because he's one of the youngest superheroes and I like his powers.
His power is shooting spider webs from his hands. He can climb anywhere like a real spider.
I also like his superhero costume.
He's realized that with a great power comes great responsibility.

Nemanja Tanackov, V3

My favourite superhero is Thundergirl. Her real name is Phoebe Thunderman.
She is from Hiddenville. She has got a big family: father Hank, mother Barb, two sisters, Nora and Chloe, and two brothers, Billy and Max.
Thundergirl is thin and short, with brown eyes and long brown hair. She is beautiful.
She has got a blue outfit.

Nina Milanović, V3

My favourite superhero is Thunderman. His real name is Hank.
He's forty-seven years old. He's got brown hair and blue eyes.
His superpower is his strength and he can fly.
His family is big.
He loves eating. He's got a thunder car.
He's very funny. He's very big, but very slow.

Milana Pleško, V3

Friday 28 September 2018

European Day of Languages 2018

We celebrated this year's European Day of Languages ​​doing different activities. My younger students and I recorded video messages, wrote postcards to our eTwinning project partners, coloured flags from different European countries and learned how to say Hello in different languages.
We received so many lovely postcards from our dear friends from Germany, Greece, Romania and Portugal and their teachers Anita, Stella, Sofia, Daniela and Leonor. 

On Wednesday, 26 September, we organised a social event with the representatives of 7 schools, with quizzes "Look who's talking!", "How much do you know about Europe?" and "I wonder", music and biscuits. My class 3 students sang songs in English, a class 4 student read a Spanish poem, and class 7 and 8 students played the guitar and the flute. The programme ended with the performance of the young band Devils.

Our celebration is in the Council of Europe Event Calendar again, and voting for the most innovative event of the year is open until 20 October.