Wednesday 12 June 2024


This year, Class 4 pupils have learned a lot of great songs, but it seems that the one about bikes is everyone's favourite. It points out how playing outside with a friend is more important than having an expensive bike which is always in the garage, and is fantastic for introducing or revising comparatives and possessive forms:

My bike is bigger
And faster than yours,
And more beautiful too.
My bike is lighter
And newer than yours,
And it's more expensive too.

It's true that
Your bike is bigger
And faster than mine,
And it's more beautiful too.
Your bike is lighter
And newer than mine,
And it's more expensive too.

But I ride my bike every day,
In the sun and in the rain.
Your bike just stays inside,
It never comes out to play.

So, you ride your bike every day,
In the sun and in the rain.
I want to take my bike outside too,
Can I come out and play with you?
Can I come out and play with you?