Monday 27 May 2024

What's the weather like?

A lesson filled with various games always turns out to be a success.

First, with the help of flashcards, we revised weather words. I asked my pupils about the weather outside, what kind of weather they like and don't like, why, and what we usually wear then.

After that, we drew a mind map, with weather symbols and I asked the volunteers to write the words. Everyone also wrote the sentences about what kind of weather they like and don't like in their notebooks, and a few pupils read their sentences.

Later, we read the story about the Sun and Wind together and did the quiz. Finally, I asked them to make groups of four for the station rotation activity. I reminded them what it means and distributed different tasks, all related to the weather topic: dominoes, popsicle sticks with parts of sentences, crossword, online matching game on the tablet and online hangman on the laptop.

The groups were a bit noisy, some finished faster than the others, and everyone enjoyed all the activities.