Wednesday 20 May 2009

A Strange Dream (story)

‘Boris, time for bed.’ I turned off the TV and went to bed.

‘Boris, wake up!’ I was very tired. I opened my eyes. Everything was white. ‘This isn’t my room,’ I thought.

I went downstairs. A strange looking robot was making breakfast. I looked at the calendar. The year was 3029. I asked the robot where my mum was. He said that she went to the store. I wanted to go out to see what was happening. I opened the door. Everything was flying. I quickly closed the door.

I was stuck home with the stupid robot whose only ability was to cook. Suddenly, two criminals broke into the house. They took me and the robot to the basement. We were tied up. The robot suddenly untied itself with its cooking abilities. It helped me, too. Luckily it was a home security robot, too.

In the evening my mum and dad came back. The police took away the two criminals.
‘Boris, wake up.’ I jumped out of my bed. I looked at the calendar and everything was fine.

Boris Škapik, VIII2, May 2009