Sunday 31 October 2021

Hallowe'en 2021

The last few days of October were a lot of fun for my pupils. We talked about children's favourite festival and sang different versions of the Knock, Knock, Trick-or-Treat song.

I asked my Class 1 pupils to imagine they're celebrating this holiday as well, so they created some interesting Hallowe'en costumes. 

Sara M, I2
Đorđe C, I2

Željka B, I3

Milijana T, I3

Class 2 pupils drew a mind map and revised Hallowe'en vocabulary. They also had fun with their cut-outs.

In their small groups, Class 4 pupils wrote their first acrostic poems.

Haunted houses are scary!
A candy hunting is fun!
Lollipops and sweets are everywhere!
Licking lollipops and eating sweets!
Owls look at you!
Witches fly across the sky, just like little stars!
Evil things are missing!
Everyone is happy!
Nobody is bored!

Ivana's team, IV1

Their older friends, my Class 6 pupils, told their spooky stories and enjoyed the escape game I created.