Monday 3 April 2023

Hippo Memories

 My Class 5 and Class 7 pupils who have taken part in Hippo Olympiads before have showed interest in sharing their experience with the others in this year's Hippo Essay Contest. 

When I went to the HIPPO competition the first time I was so nervous. I was competing with the other kids, and thought that they were so much better than me.
I didn't go to the semi-finals. I was so mad at myself that I didn't study at all. I thought that I was the best at the competition but it turned out I wasn't.

Mihailo Demeter, V1

My favourite day was when I first went to Hippo competition two years ago.
At first I was really, really nervous and I was shaking. When I got inside the classroom I was stunned by how beautiful it was.
The tests were very easy but when it was time for listening, the speakers scared me so much because they were a bit too loud.
At the time I always wanted to show how much I loved English. I still love English and when I grow up I will go to the USA and become the biggest actress, and show my classmates who were laughing at me when I was in the first grade. I don't mean to be rude or to rub it in their faces, I just want to show them that anything is possible if you want it hard enough.

Ivana Popov, V1

When I first went to the Hippo Olympiad I was really nervous. I thought that I would be in last place and that I would not get to the next round.
The school competitions are easy but the town not really but I love to participate because it is fun.
My first Hippo experience was when my school hosted the town competition. It was nice. The Hippo competition for my grade was in the Math classroom.
I always love to participate in Hippo competitions. I like how the test can be reused for training other kids to go to the Hippo competition and how we just need to fill in the circles to mark the right answer on a different piece of paper.

Nikola Tomić, V2

When I competed in the HIPPO competition for the first time, I was nervous, but I practiced like crazy and at the end it was all worth it!
I have participated three times, and I got to the semi-finals twice. Unfortunately, I never made it to the finals, and I was sad about it, but on the other hand I was excited every time that I got to another level.
My first HIPPO competition was in 2019. I was nervous and scared, but after the results came, I was so thrilled and no one was happier than me.

Lara Avramov, VII2

When I first signed up for the Hippo competition four years ago, I was very happy because it was one of the competitions I really wanted to go to. Then, I was getting ready so much for it. However, when I arrived at the venue, I was very nervous and worried because it was my first time competing. I was wondering how everything would look like?
So far, I have competed in the Hippo competition three times. I was always satisfied with my results because I am sure that I will need English in the future.

Ana Vojvodić, VII2